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MGI Poorer than their Parents_Full report_July 2016 copy.pdf
This is a report published by the McKinsey Global Institute. It describes global economic conditions leading to increasingly favorable conditions for Fundamental Change including the effects capitalism is having you … Continue reading MGI Poorer than their Parents_Full report_July 2016 copy.pdf
New ideas comparison table
New ideas comparison table This is a spreadsheet (pdf) comparing nearly the most popular new economic system theories that exists today with Copiosis. Want to know how your favorite idea … Continue reading New ideas comparison table
Global Challenges Survey
This is a collection of research entitled “Attitudes to global risks and governance” commissioned by the Global Challenges Foundation, the organization responsible for the $5 Million Challenge Prize. “In 2017, … Continue reading Global Challenges Survey
What happiness tells us about the world tomorrow
This report, What Happiness Today Tells Us About the World Tomorrow, looks back over more than a decade of Gallup data on how people in more than 100 countries have rated … Continue reading What happiness tells us about the world tomorrow
A New Future Can Be Ours (Un Nuevo Futuro Puede Ser Nuestro)
Esta versión en español de A New Future Can Be Ours ya está disponible. Este es un documento creado a partir de un premio de financiación que Copiosis contrajo en … Continue reading A New Future Can Be Ours (Un Nuevo Futuro Puede Ser Nuestro)
Will Robots Steal Our Jobs?
The most obvious implication of our analysis is the need for increased investment in education and skills to help people adapt to technological change throughout their careers. While increased training in digital skills and STEM subjects is one important element in this, it will also require retraining of, for example, truck drivers to take jobs in services sectors where demand is high but automation is less easy due to the
importance of social skills and ‘the human touch’.
Our Net Benefit Reward Algorithm Proposal Version 7.1
Like most algorithms, the Copiosis NBR algorithm is a process described in a series of mathematical steps. These steps are happening constantly during a given calculation interval. They are also happening at different levels of society: Individual, organization, neighborhood, village, town, city, metropolis, region, nation, international, global.
It operates this way so cultural, regional and other differences between human communities can be captured in each calculation.
What is Stigmergy?
Stigmergy is the process by which people in a Copiosis society get things done. It also is the leadership culture of the implementation organization, Copiosis. This report explains stigmergy by … Continue reading What is Stigmergy?
Copiosis FAQ Compendium
This is our complete (but constantly growing) compendium of questions asked about Copiosis. The compendium comprises 130 pages answering both common and uncommon questions. This is our first volume. Check … Continue reading Copiosis FAQ Compendium