Money Bomb nearer to reality!

Earlier this year, we talked about the fantastic idea. The SuperPAC to end all SuperPACs proposed by Lawrence Lessig will fundamentally change the way candidates raise money for elections and the dynamics that the creation of Super PACs have produced. Back in May we were encouraged. This month we're thrilled. Here's why. Lessig's group, the Mayday Political Action … Continue reading Money Bomb nearer to reality!

Why palliative activism brings comfort, little change

Palliatives serve a purpose. Palliative activism works: Activists feel better when they're active. The current global protest known as The Day We Fight Back is drawing activists and their armchair variants by the thousands. Websites, Facebook profiles, blogs across the Internet express solidarity posting banners, display ads and hosting comment threads. The message: urge your … Continue reading Why palliative activism brings comfort, little change

Stop complaining. Do something. Now.

Activity is frenzied at Copiosis HQ. While the team focuses on refining elements of the innovation, promoting our work, and generating awareness, people are asking what they can do right now to support the transition. We're working on a blog about that. Pending that post, here's something you can do right now. Visit this website.  … Continue reading Stop complaining. Do something. Now.

Why we should be thanking the Dems, the GOP and the corporate leaders

We're hard on our political, financial, and industrial leaders. Maybe what we should be doing is thanking them instead. The Democrats are doing everything they can to inflame those on the right. Two elections ago, the Dems pulled out the nuclear option in having a black man run and win (two times in a row) … Continue reading Why we should be thanking the Dems, the GOP and the corporate leaders