Anatomy of an effective movement, part 2

This is part 2 of a series examining the success of Russian lawyer and corruption-free system advocate/activist Alexei Navalny.  I believe his success presages ours because he is using the exact same approach we are in bringing down corruption in Russia.  This series analyzes his approach as a case study from which we can gain confidence in our … Continue reading Anatomy of an effective movement, part 2

Anatomy of an effective movement, part 1

Alexei Navalny's fame landed him in a Russian court that handed him an indictment on false charges.  The charges are bullshit, and what landed him there may represent a look at Copiosis 10 years from now. Copiosis is the only movement I'm aware of that is implementing a real-world transition plan, not just talking about it or hoping for … Continue reading Anatomy of an effective movement, part 1

10 American Lies

The United States was founded on Freedom and equality People won't work if there is no "profit motive" or they get things for free American colonists were hearty, brave, industrious and hardworking The Middle Class is key to making modern economies work America's Founding Fathers believed in democracy Capitalism is the best system we have Whites hated … Continue reading 10 American Lies