Complexity Behind Elegant Simplicity
Copiosis is a complex system. But that complexity disappears once one understands how that complexity works. What’s left is appreciation. Appreciation of Copiosis’ simple elegance, its ingenuity, its potential.
I invite you to learn more about the innovation.
Our home page is a great way to start. After watching our introduction videos, the following offers more on the basics.
Click on each picture or title for more information on that subject
Any Problem Is An Opportunity – The Copiosis TRULY FREE Market [VIDEO]
All Property Is Private Property But Not “Private” Like You Think [VIDEO]
No Intellectual Property Protections Is How Creators Get Fabulously Rich [VIDEO]
NBR Accounts [VIDEO]
Handhelds [VIDEO]
Reputation Accounts [VIDEO]
The Citizen Jury Process [VIDEO]
What Is The Copiosis Organization?
Overview: The Copiosis Organization is a world-wide organization broken into sub-organizations working together to do one thing: Ensure producers are fairly rewarded.
- All they do is monitor the economy. To do this, they collect data on individual and group activity. They monitor resource consumption and conservation. They monitor activities producers take which express environmental stewardship. They monitor consumer reaction to products and services. They determine impacts producer production and consumer activity has on people and the planet. They record and process these data so it can be fed into the Copiosis Algorithm.
- It is the algorithm which determines how much NBR a person gets. The Algorithm doesn’t consider “fairness”. That’s the role of people. The people considering “fairness” comprise the Copiosis Organization.
- Anyone who wishes to be part of the Copiosis Organization gets in after passing required education. So it is a completely voluntary organization. However, unlike volunteers, Copiosis Organization members are rewarded NBR, just like anyone else producing Net Benefit.
- The Copiosis Organization benefits from diversity as much as any one or any thing else. Therefore, it encourages the broadest number of perspectives into the organization. That’s why anyone wanting in gets in.
How it Functions:
- The Copiosis Organization functions according to basic Copiosis relationships between producers. Copiosis Organization members are just like producers. They do their work the same way as non member producers.
- There are no laws or edicts from an authority governing how Copiosis Members work together.
- Instead, the organization governs its activity using the Net Benefit principle as a functional stimulus and Stigmergy as an organizational stimulus.
Members and affiliates:
- There are many who may not belong to the Copiosis Organization who still contribute to it.
- Judges, field workers, scientists, statisticians, watch dog groups and individuals, members of the public and the ad hoc Citizen Juries all are examples of these.
- While these people may not be part of the Organization, they feed the organization information and data that helps the Organization do its only job: Ensure producers are fairly rewarded.
Find out more about how the Copiosis Organization works. Go to our Advanced Sh*t page. Read some case studies, watch our video tutorials, or…ask us a question.
What is Net Benefit
Net Benefit is the bright idea that all economic activity and its effects on people and the planet should be accounted for. Then, people responsible for those effects should be rewarded. Or not, depending on the effects.
Its basic premise is producers must be held to account for their acts. Rather than being punitive though, Net Benefit is rewards based.
Its goal:
- Inspire human behavior which increases global prosperity while ongoingly increasing environmental stewardship.
The concept idea:
- Observe producer action. Record what happens.
- Separate what happens that is positive from what happens that is negative. These are the two outcomes.
- Use math and science to quantify the two outcomes so they can be mathematically compared.
- Subtract quantified negative results from quantified positive ones.
- If the result is positive, the producer’s act is deemed “Net Beneficial” (beneficial to humans and the planet NET terms).
- If the result is negative the producer’s act is deemed “Negatively Net Beneficial” (ultimately destructive to humans and the planet in NET terms).
Who determines how the concept is applied:
- Everyone. Primarily the Copiosis Organization ensures calculations are fair.
- But all citizens have input via the Citizen Jury process, especially producers. Producer involvement is important.
- But the best way producers ensure their acts are rewarded in positive ways is understanding how the algorithm weighs their actions and producing products and services in ways that create the least harm and the most good.
- That’s easy when resources (including land, labor and equipment) are available to them at no cost at all.
- How are temporarily-limited resources distributed across producer activity? The producers whose actions either promise or now produce the most Net Benefit have priority. Why? Because resource owners are rewarded most when they support high-Net Benefit-production activity.
Find out more about Net Benefit. Read some of our example stories or watch a tutorial video explaining how it works. Go to our Advanced Sh*t page now….ask us a question.
What are Net Benefit Rewards (NBR)
Copiosis contains many revolutionary features. NBR is one of them. NBR is many things. Primarily it is societal recognition for well-produced goods and services as measured by Net Benefit.
- NBR are the mathematical result from an algorithm calculation.
- NBR also are quantified “units” of recognition that exist ONLY in a virtual NBR account.
- Finally NBR is what people use to obtain Luxury Goods and services.
- There are important things about NBR crucial to understanding how they work:
- They are useless for anything other than obtaining Luxuries.
- They cannot be traded. Everyone’s NBR is unique to them. “Cannot be traded” includes inheritance. One cannot inherit another’s NBR.
- The quantity of NBR in the world is unlimited. How much NBR you have or will have is in no way limited by how much another has or will have.
- NBR comes from nowhere and returns there. They come into existence when the algorithm functions. They go out of existence when a consumer uses them.
- Luxuries are obtained using NBR this way: First, a producer must tag her product or service as a Luxury. If she tags it as a Capital Good or Necessity, your NBR is useless. In other words it’s not needed for a Capital Good or a Necessity. These items are provided at no cost.
- Second, she must put a Gateway on the Luxury. A Gateway is an amount of NBR needed to “unlock” that Luxury’s possession so its possession may be transferred to you.
- Obtaining a Luxury, then requires a consumer willing to give up enough of his NBR to unlock the Gateway AND a producer willing to transfer ownership of the luxury to that person.
- All property in Copiosis is private. Consumers must have a producer’s permission to assume ownership of that producer’s property. Merely having sufficient NBR is not enough.
Find out more about Net Benefit Rewards’ extraordinary uniqueness. Go to our Advanced Sh*t page. Read some case studies. Or ask us a question.
How Does The Copiosis Algorithm Work?
The algorithm uses information created when Copiosis Organization members and their affiliates gather data on producer action.
The algorithm comprises variables that are rational, logical, easy to understand and yet powerful when used together. Data is “quantified” using eight scales, each scale corresponding to a unique algorithm variable.
When quantified, the data turns into a number. With all numbers on the algorithm the algorithm is “run” and a numerical result comes out. That number is the NBR a producer gets.
The algorithm compares the variables against each other in a way favoring preferred human actions.
What does “preferred human actions” mean?
Perhaps you agree with us that we want to see as many different people as possible doing as many different things as possible. Perhaps you also agree we want minimum duplicated effort across human activity. We don’t want everyone doing the same thing. We’d prefer to minimize that actually.
Perhaps too you’ll agree we want to maximize using renewable resources and using those resources with maximum efficiency. I think you’ll also agree we want to maximize intellectual property (IP) benefits, maximize benefit to society, maximize human resiliency, maximize benefits of all kinds to individuals, and also increase environmental prosperity to the maximum extent possible. All while we also want to minimize any negative outcomes: to society, people, prosperity, the planet.
Would you agree with all that?
“Preferred human actions” then, are actions producing these kinds of outcomes.
By the way, the variables also include a subjective variable, which is used by consumers to give their subjective input into the algorithm.
So when many consumers weigh in on that variable over the course of their consumption experience, we learn subjective satisfaction of a given product or service. But that subjective input is not significantly weighted compared to the other variables for obvious reasons: While subjective experience is the only experience, we know subjective human experience includes many flawed beliefs. Flawed beliefs causing negative human behavior and resultant cravings. So we at Copiosis don’t want those resultant cravings dictating what society prioritizes.
So “good” or as it is said in the video “beneficial outcomes” are those actions scoring a greater-than-zero result in a NBR algorithmic calculation. The greater the result, the more “good” it is and the bigger the reward.
The opposite is true for “bad”. Bad is a less-than-zero calculated result and merits no reward. “Bad” means an act creates more undesirable outcomes, according to the algorithm, than desirable ones. And so the actor receives a reward commensurate with his bad results (a zero reward).
We believe the algorithm will be improved over time so that it represents the values of an increasingly clear society.
- The algorithm is open source and available to anyone’s observation.
- The algorithm runs at various geographic and community levels recognizing differences around the world.
- It is expected that variable weights change on a regular basis for given producer activity as people and earth needs differ from time to time.
Certain decisions, such as changing variable weights happen through the Citizen Jury process. Juries sit in proceedings where experts present data about a given subject (an endangered species, for example, or a new industrial process). Jury members (members of the general public invited for this purpose) then direct the Copiosis Organization in algorithm changes.
Of course, jury members are acting as producers when they serve on a jury. They therefore merit NBR should those acts produce Net Benefit.
The opposite is true too.
The eight variables explained:
The table below defines the eight variables comprising our algorithm.
Look at what each variable tells us (the column labeled “Tells Us”).
These definitions capture impacts (both positive and negative) of any human action. How the algorithm relates the variables with each other (through math) is how the variables get “weighted” against each other.
Algorithms are complicated stuff. Especially if you’re not good at math. Like me. 😜
Now that you have a basic understanding of the algorithm, you can go to our advanced page and explore how our current algorithm version works in detail. Yes, you can make real inputs and get real NBR calculations from our actual, functioning V7.1 algorithm. (The advanced page is coming soon pending additional funding)
Or, if you prefer, take our current algorithm proposal and produce your own spreadsheet. Then try it yourself in the comfort of your own home!
Our Advanced Sh*t page (The advanced page is coming soon pending additional funding) has more information too. Check it out or…ask us a question.
What Is Stigmergy?
Stigmergy is how everyone in Copiosis organizes themselves, their work and work teams.
It is how things get done.
Stigmergy is a concept coined and escribed by Heather Marsh. More specifically, Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between people and their actions.
The principle is that results left by an action stimulates resultant performance, by the same or a different person.
So actions reinforce and build on one another. From that comes the spontaneous emergence of coherent activity which seems systematically organized but is not.
Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. It creates complex, seemingly intelligent structures, without planning, control, or even (necessarily) direct communication between actors.
Everyone has experienced stigmergy in action. Paths cutting across across open fields are a good example. One day a person may decide to cut across the field. It’s the shortest path to where he wants to go. Others see his “trail”. They do what he’s done. Eventually, the trail through grass becomes a bare walking path. More time passes. The trail widens.
This is stigmergy in action.
Rather than organizing top down or even consensus-based organizations, in Copiosis, the best “organizations” are “clouds” of individuals, loosely organized around their passions and interests and responding to one another’s actions in a stigmergic way.
We’ve prepared a version of Heather Marsh’s work describing stigmergy, which you can read for free by clicking this link.
Stigmergy is how people organize and get things done in Copiosis.
Who are Producers?
- People who make things are called Producers.
- “Make things” means making anything a Consumer would consume. This includes services. Even a better supportive environment.
- A Producer is also anyone who does something that creates net benefit. So if you walk your neighbor’s dog, you are a producer while walking that dog. If you find a way to reverse global warming, then you are a producer. If you figure out how to turn green algae into automobile fuel, create a long-lasting, environmentally-friendly battery, or you save a life, you are a producer.
- The ideal producer activity is activity aligning with your passions. So it’s important to learn what one’s passions are and do that. You’re going to be at your best when doing your passion.
- Producers get their Necessities at no cost to them, like everyone else. So finding people who would help you identify your passions is easy. That’s part of “mental health”. And all healthcare is provided at no cost.
- While exploring your passions, there will be lots of work you can do to get NBR. Far more work that “pays” than today. Because nearly anything you do for others or the planet merits “pay”. But if you want to spend your whole life focusing on self-development, you can, while enjoying a comfortable life living on Necessities.
- Producer “income” doesn’t come from an “employer”. Nor does it come from who they work with. Producers don’t have “bosses” or “managers”. That’s slave-era lingo. Producers have peers. People they work alongside.
- That means you’re no longer an “employee”. If you work in an Amazon warehouse, organizing packages for delivery, for example, you are responsible for figuring out how to create net benefit doing that work.
- Your warehouse peers, those with more warehouse experience than you may have, must find ways to keep their peers happy. If they want those people to keep working in the warehouse, they’re going to have to make the work enjoyable. And they must make work environments people will want to contribute to.
- If a company needs a warehouse, and people working in that warehouse, they’re going to have to make a warehouse work environment that’s pretty fabulous.
- Thankfully, Capital Goods and Necessities come at no cost to everyone. So creating amazing workplaces, even in warehouse fulfillment centers, is a snap.
- Do producers retire? Maybe. I find people living their passions rarely want to retire. They’re having too much fun!
- But if you do stop doing what you love, you can do something else. Something easy and still get NBR. Meanwhile, you’re being rewarded NBR for what you’ve done in the past, presuming of course those things still are producing Net Benefit for others and the planet. So “retirement” is easy too.
Who are Consumers?
- A consumer is anyone who receives and uses or benefits from a good or service.
- Every human being is a consumer.
- Consumers also benefit from the environment, which is how Producers making the environment better get rewarded NBR.
- Obviously, people are both consumers and producers. The difference is a consumer is needed for a Producer to receive NBR. If a human being is not receiving and using or benefitting from a Producer’s action, no net benefit is happening.
- So making sure consumer activity gets recorded is important.
- Consuming isn’t a passive act. It’s important as a consumer that you’re paying attention to what you’re consuming. And giving feedback on your consumption, both to the Copiosis Organization and the Producer whose activity you’re consuming. You also want to make sure what you’re consuming is good for you. Producers do their best in making sure their products are net beneficial. But in the end, as a consumer, you’re responsible for what you consume.
A lot of consumer activity happens every minute on Earth. How does Copiosis measure all that activity? We cover that in several places. Our FAQ compendium, our Advanced section has more detail about how Copiosis captures consumer activity.
What are Coordinators
Coordinators are people who connect people with opportunities.
They are a special kind of Producer.
They use their networks and other tools brokering connections between Producers and other Producers, and between Producers and Consumers.
- If a new Producer has trouble locating capital goods she needs to make her thing, she can go to Coordinators who may help her.
- If a Capital Good owner refuses giving the new Producer Capital Goods she needs, the Coordinator may be able to negotiate receiving them, or may know of other Capital Goods owners who would be willing to give her what she needs.
- Coordinators help make Copiosis’ economy go. They’re networkers. They look for ways to help make Net Benefit happen. When they do, they get NBR, like everyone else!
What are NBR Gateways
Gateways tell you how much NBR you must have to get the luxury you want.
Having enough NBR to unlock the gateway is the first step to getting that Luxury.
Just because you can unlock the Gateway doesn’t mean you automatically get the luxury. The luxury owner must also be willing to give it to you. There are many reasons that person might not want to.
- Gateways are set by luxury owner/producers. The people making the luxury get to choose the Gateway amount. But only for their production. Not anyone else’s production.
- Luxury Gateways help stimulate Producer activity. Like that new watch? The one with the 500 NBR* Gateway? Well to get it, you’ll have to start with having 500 NBR. How do you get NBR? Become a producer.
- Producers can use Gateways to curate their customers. Very high Gateways will limit who can obtain the luxury item. Very low ones do the opposite.
- Gateways can also limit resource consumption. Tagging a product with a high Gateway means fewer people might consume it, making fewer of those numbers of things necessary. That means less resources are consumed in making that Luxury.
- Gateways have NO DIRECT EFFECT on how much NBR a producer gets when you consume his or her output. Nothing about Gateways is included in the algorithm.
- The Producer gets her reward based on how well her Luxury produces Net Benefit. The more it creates the more she gets. But if you don’t wear that watch very much, she doesn’t get very much NBR.
*the 500 NBR Gateway offered here is for illustration purposes only.
What are Necessities
Everyone gets Necessities at no cost to anyone.
Necessities are all things you need to thrive as a human being. They include:
- Basic, but delicious and nutritious, well-made food
- Serviceable, durable clothing for utilitarian use
- Shelter that is on par with today’s luxury housing. Not that fake “luxury” housing builders call “luxury” because they want your money. No. By Luxury, we mean nice, well-appointed, highly comfortable spaces that are a pleasure to live in.
- All the education you need and want.
- All necessary medical care no matter what. Some medical services are Luxuries, not necessities. We talk about those services elsewhere in our information.
Producers and producers alone decide whether their output is a Necessity or Luxury. The Copiosis Organization helps Producers decide if they ask. Otherwise, it’s not involved.
However, at the start, these five categories (food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare) are designated by the Copiosis implementation organization in order to define the base level of goods and services necessary for people to thrive.
If there are not constraints on availability, doesn’t it make sense for people to have their food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare at no cost to them. With those five things provided, anyone can thrive. So we at the implementation organization identify these categories as necessities. Because people need them to thrive.
Still, producers have the final say. If they don’t want their product to be a Necessity, they can say so.
By now you probably understand how all these things are provided to all at no cost to anyone. Since capital goods are available at no cost to anyone, including labor, these things are made by producers and provided to all. When producers provide them, and consumers consume them, the NBR algorithm rewards producers for the Net Benefit their Necessities create. So everyone gets what they want. Humans get their basic needs met at incredible levels, without having to pay for them and people making and providing those things get well-rewarded. Meanwhile it doesn’t cost anyone anything to make them, because all the things going into making them are also provided at no cost….because those providing them get NBR when Net Benefit is produced.
There is a BIG difference between “no cost” and “free”. We created a video about it on our home page titled: No Cost: It’s Not The Same As “Free”
All Necessities, prior to you getting them, are owned by someone. You can’t just go to the store and take a coat, or simply walk up and occupy a home. You must be GIVEN the Necessity. So you first must contact the owner (or her representative) and receive what you’re wanting. You get it at no cost to you. But not “for free”.
What are Luxuries
Luxuries are what makes the Copiosis economy go. Luxuries are anything that is not a Necessity or Capital Good.
It’s important that there be a huge number of desirable Luxuries in the Copiosis economy. That way, people are inspired to create net benefit, which is the main way to get luxuries.
It’s possible some producers will give some Luxuries away. But most, understanding how Copiosis works, will tag their luxuries with gateways.
- Luxuries are anything that is not a capital good or necessity
- All Luxuries have gateways.
- But Luxuries also can be gifted by their owner.
- Producers decide whether their good or service is a Luxury.
Because capital goods come at no cost, it’s expected that there will be an explosion of highly-desirable Luxuries available for consumption, stimulating lots of producer activity. Since it’s Luxury desire that makes Copiosis go, it’s obvious that producers making luxuries make Copiosis work. Copiosis is all about people doing what they love. Then sharing that with others.
What are Capital Goods
Capital goods are products and services used to make other products and services. They usually fall into the categories called “land”, “labor” and “capital”.
In Copiosis there’s no money. So there’s no need for “capital”, which usually looks like financial investments in new enterprises.
But intellectual property (IP) (ideas, inventions, processes and the like) could be considered “capital”. Unlike today, in Copiosis, these things are available to everyone at no cost. Like necessities.
Like necessities, when they are used or consumed, the IP originator gets NBR when their usage produces net benefit. So there’s no need for copyright or IP-protections in Copiosis. IP owners want as many people using their ideas as possible. That’s how they get rich.
- Capital goods owners get NBR when they give their goods to producers who use them to create goods and services that create net benefit.
- Capital goods owners decide how to distribute their stuff based on who will generates the highest net benefit. This both benefits society, makes distribution efficient and makes the capital good owners rich.
- Capital goods owners have a high stake in their goods’ use. They want to maximize net benefit outcome, which maximizes net benefit for everyone.
- So they work closely with producers to make sure negative outcomes are minimized and positive outcomes are maximized.
- Even if a capital good owner is a greedy dude and just wants to get rich, he also enriches the world!
Like producers, capital goods owners receive no NBR until all the results are known.
This is important: It would seem those who currently own things like mines and ship fleets, factories and such would become fabulously wealthy as they control assets crucial to producing all kinds of things. The rest of us would still be working stiffs.
It also seems that this would create massive wealth inequality similar to what we see today.
Today, these people get very rich compared to others because they control/own inputs that are used everywhere. Meanwhile, those working with these things or in these things, get comparatively little.
In Copiosis, people directly responsible for using capital goods to create net benefit are rewarded for the net benefit their acts create. A capital good by itself is has no value. Only when it’s used to benefit people and the planet does it create value. Those who employ them create that value. So workers are richly rewarded too. Especially if what they’re doing benefits a lot of people, large swaths of the environment or both.
Capital goods owners are also rewarded as their goods are employed. Remember, there’s no limit to how much NBR there is.
This probably raises more questions about wealth inequality and power dynamics between “labor” and “management”. If you have a question, a “yeah but” or objection, we’d love to hear it.
Making Copiosis happen
Copiosis is the only kind of economic system with a feasible transition plan from the current economy, making it far more likely to be adopted as a feasible alternative to capitalism.
For one, when the switch is made to Copiosis, all debt is eliminated for every individual and organization and all debt holders are compensated for the net present value of their debt asset. The net present value of the debt asset is converted into Net Benefit Rewards.
Here’s how that would work:
Say for example, you have a car loan. That loan is part of your debt. But on the other side of your loan, that debt is an asset. It represents the payments (income from interest) you’re going to make as you pay off the loan. So whoever owns that debt asset expects income from it. Usually debt asset owners are shareholders in a bank ultimately.
So at the transition, your debt goes away. You now have $0 debt. The debt asset owner expected, lets say, $6,000 in interest payments from you on that loan. At the transition, the debt asset owner gets 6000 NBR plus the amount of NBR equivalent to the outstanding balance owed on the loan. So the debt asset owner is fully-compensated.
What’s more, those who have worked hard to amass whatever they own to this point will not have anything taken away from them. All productive assets will still be controlled by those who own them today. They will just be put in service in ways that yield the highest net benefit instead of the highest profit.
How do we know that?
Right now, productive asset owners, in addition to owning their assets, also control your income. They, or a team they designate, usually decides how much salary/wage you’re paid. If you don’t do what they want you to do with their assets, you don’t get paid. Having bosses control other people’s income is a big problem today.
In Copiosis, you determine how much NBR you get based on what you do. The asset owner, the person now working with instead of being your “boss” has no control over how much NBR you get. So you’re free to experiment and explore with better ways to improve life, the business, the process or whatever.
Should you succeed, you get NBR for that. In Copiosis the asset owner or your former boss can’t compel you to do anything. They can’t threaten you…well, they can… but it’s not very credible because they don’t control anything about you, what you’re doing, what you can do instead or how much NBR you get.
Back to asset ownership and transitioning from capitalism.
Most other alternative economic systems require taking from those who have and giving to those who have not. Copiosis does not. Instead, it levels the playing field so that everyone’s positive activities contribute to both the well being of the individual, the well being of society and the well being of the earth.
Basic details on how we’re doing it
Here is a basic overview of our plan’s early stages. The short answer is this: You’re reading this. That’s part of our plan. The more people reading this, the more successful we get.
Our transition strategy hinges on appreciation. Usually, the more a person learns and understands about Copiosis, the more they appreciate it. Appreciation moves to desire. Desire becomes stronger. Then they want to see it happen.
From there, people take different actions. Some tell others. That’s happening. Some lend their relevant expertise. That’s happening. Some send us money to help cover implement costs. That’s happening too. Our goal: increase more of all that.
Then there’s the larger transition strategy. There are seven phases. Our plan changes constantly as we use several adaptation methods to guide our transition, including the Viable Systems Model, based on what’s happening in the environment. For now, the first three phases are most important. Here they are:
There are other stages, but at this point, at the basic level, this is what we’re doing.
It’s important that any alternative idea happen democratically. Economic collapse, pitchfork-like take over attempts or coups sound romantic and exciting. But they rarely transition people to something better. A solid transition happens through Law. Not by taking.
A solid transition must also leave EVERYBODY BETTER OFF. It can not penalize anyone. We believe Copiosis does this. To our knowledge at this time, it is the only socioeconomic alternative that does this.
That’s a big deal.
Transitioning is a big deal too. We’re creating a whole section here at copiosis.com to talk about it. In the meantime, if you have a question, ask. We’re happy to answer.
Copiosis is the only new economic system with a feasible transition plan out of capitalism at a global scale.
Important Additional Key Concepts 
[VIDEO] (coming soon)
Any Problem Is An Opportunity – The Copiosis TRULY FREE Market – Any problem when solved generates Net Benefit. It doesn’t matter if we all agree there’s a problem or not, because benefits from solving a problem I don’t agree is a problem still show up.
So if you don’t believe climate change is real, great! You don’t have to do anything.
You don’t have to use your time or resources to change anything. But you also can’t stop others who believe it is a problem from solving it.
And when they do, they’ll be rewarded with massive amounts of NBR. But only solutions producing measurable net beneficial change get rewarded.
People’s passions are important
The thing about problems is, they connect to people’s passion. For every problem, there is a person passionate about solving that problem. That’s why passions are so important. And why freeing people to follow them is too.
Since nothing costs anything and no one can use cost (or price) to keep things from happening, any problem a person sees is also a get-rich opportunity. Solving it in net beneficial ways guarantees receiving NBR.
Big problems, small problems, personal problems, social problems. Environmental problems, commercial problems, industrial problems….any problem in Copiosis is a market. And, every one of these markets is open to anyone. There are no barriers to entry. There are no intellectual property patents keeping better ideas out. There is no way to buy a better idea and put it on a shelf so so you can keep getting rich with your current idea.
Got a problem you want solved? Talk with a Coordinator. That person will connect you with the right resources, the right people who can help solve the problem. Why would these people help you? If they believe your problem is worth solving, everyone involved gets NBR, that’s why.
If one resource provider won’t support you, there will be others who do. How do I know this? Because when a person follows their passions, resources, people, capital goods, etc., are always made available. That’s just how life works!
Find out more about how problems represent unlimited markets. Go to our Advanced Sh*t page. Read some case studies. Or…ask us a question.
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[VIDEO] (coming soon)
All Property Is Private Property But Not “Private” Like You Think – Private property in Copiosis is more like stewardship or custody. Not ownership. In the Net Benefit framework, it’s nonsensical hoarding a bunch of property for your exclusive use. When that same property can be used to benefit people and you can get rich in the process.
So a person owning a bunch of land may enjoy that land. But if she uses it to benefit others, that land becomes an NBR generator.
Same goes with planes, boats, houses and such. Anything tangible is owned by someone at some point. So it’s private property. That ownership transfers from person to person as possession is transferred. This is especially important when it comes to understanding manufactured products and capital goods.
Once a product is created and turned over to someone else, such as when products move from where they’re made, to the store where they pass to consumers, the person moving the products owns them while she’s transporting them.
She can do with them what she wants.
It makes sense though that in the vast majority of cases, those goods, whether food, tools or equipment or other products, will be employed for their intended purpose. As that’s what they’ll best generate net benefit from.
But who is to say that a distributor discovers a better application of goods she’s moving? One which makes everyone upstream more NBR than if they were used for their original intent?
In this way, everyone works together as individuals to create a better world for all of us, while also making sure the earth is taken care of.
There are a lot of examples showing how private property might be managed in Copiosis. Check them out on our Advanced Sh*t page, which is coming soon.
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[VIDEO] (coming soon)
No Intellectual Property Protections Is How Creators Get Fabulously Rich – It doesn’t take a patent lawyer to know that those who control Intellectual Property (IP) in our world make a lot of money.
But this also severely limits what’s possible. Many times intellectual property rights stand between an existing, very successful product that costs a lot of money and a cheaper, better, more environmentally beneficial product. Many times, cost is the reason why IP and patent protections are enforced. In today’s world it costs a LOT to make something happen.
There are no costs in Copiosis.
Which is why in Copiosis there are no patent protections. If you make something cool and others use your creation to make something else, or they use your invention, so long as that work creates net benefit you get rewarded. And so does the copycat.
We say, spread ideas and inventions far and wide! The more people using your idea, the more NBR you get. And who knows what someone might do with your bright idea. They may make it even brighter!
Got a problem with that? Share it with us! Let’s talk about it.
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Key tools of Copiosis
A couple key things are needed to make Copiosis happen. Besides people, of course. These things make physical the intangible ideas that make Copiosis. Let’s take a look at them:
[VIDEO] (coming soon)
Handhelds –
- You have one of these today most likely. Your current smartphone is all you need.
- But it functions more than it does today. It’s also your passport, identifying you through it’s unique serial number or IMEI number, as a citizen of Copiosis.
- It also stores your Reputation Account, an important tool in Copiosis.
NBR Accounts –
- Everyone has one of these. It’s basically an app on your phone. It tells you how much NBR you have at any given time. It also functions as a wallet. It accepts your NBR rewards and also allows you to deduct NBR from your account when you want a luxury.
Reputation Accounts –
- Reputation Accounts are a record of all you accomplish. It’s like an electronic CV. And a lot more.
- It also contains declarations you make about others and declarations others make about you. It’s an ongoing performance review of your interaction with others created by other people, people you interact with.
- Now don’t freak out. This is NOTHING like what you’ve seen in the satire Black Mirror.
- For one, the Copiosis Organization vets every declaration for accuracy. So you can’t get any false, negative declarations.
- Second, no one can see declarations made in your reputation account. Not directly. But they can see your overall rating. That’s public. Here’s why that’s necessary.
Copiosis will create far more freedom for people to move around. So it’s important that your reputation follows you so strangers know who they’re dealing with. Think of your overall rating like a credit score. It’s an indication of details in your reputation account.
Ideally, before agreeing to work with you on something, a person will look at this score. She might ask for details, which it behooves you to give. For she isn’t obligated to work with you if she doesn’t want to.
So reputation accounts allow strangers to better understand each other at the start. That way, people aren’t worried so much about who they are meeting and what that person might do.
You can find out more about Reputation Accounts in the Advanced Sh*t section of our web page (coming soon). And our FAQ page.
The Citizen Jury Process –
More of a process than a tool, Citizen Juries are an important way the general public controls how the Copiosis algorithm works.
At a set period, a random selection of handheld serial numbers are drawn. Citizens are selected this way to serve on Citizen Juries.
These citizens attend a series of presentations by experts in their field. First experts introduce them to the Citizen Jury process and how the algorithm works. The jury in session is invited because changes are needed to the algorithm. Experts explain how this process will end, how those changes will be implemented and how long the changes will last.
Then other experts come in. They present all kinds of data and information about a subject, new information on a former or existing endangered species say, that needs citizen input.
After hearing these experts, the process concludes with the jury directing algorithm planners in the Copiosis Organization to change the algorithm in light of the new information.
Once the algorithm variable values are changed, changes remain in effect until the next period.
In this way you, me or anyone has equal opportunity (randomly determined) to serve our friends, community and country by influencing how the algorithm serves us.
Oh, unlike Jury Duty today, Copiosis Citizen Juries produce great Net Benefit, obviously. So Jury members get NBR for their service.
Now you know the basics. There’s a lot more to appreciate about Copiosis. Where do you want to dive in?
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- Not convinced this is worth looking at? Another email stream we’ve created shows why our current world is ripe for change. It’s a little bit of a bummer to go over this stuff, but you’ll come away understanding more why we’re doing Copiosis. Get this one in your inbox by going here. (coming soon)
- Check out our FAQ compendium. We’ve answered many questions over the six years Copiosis has been around. Perhaps your question is there. Or you can send us one to add.