I’m encouraged by the progress happening at Copiosis. It seems we’ve gone dark, but really, we’ve been hunkered down, regrouping our resources and considering best approaches for our next steps.
These next steps include how to best use the $100k gift we received to increase awareness. It’s taken a while, and we’re way beyond our expected timeline, but we’re beginning to see the light and massive potential.
I’ve spoken with three marketing experts in the last four months. I was hoping to hire a marketer who could extend Copiosis’ reach, thus increasing our expected result in all our activities: increased revenue to fund our work.
Each of these experts are impressive on paper. Their real world results are outstanding. However, each of them, every person, said they had no idea how to take Copiosis to the next level.
So a regrouping was in order. None of the experts I knew could figure out our outreach problem. All of them said $100k was not going to be enough. I wasn’t so sure.
So I waited. I focused on my other projects, all of which are going quite well. As time went on, through complete strangers, I came upon this new path that has me quite optimistic.
Maybe you’ve seen a skyscraper construction project in the works. After clearing the property, a huge hold is dug. That hole seems to be the only thing going on for months. Crews actually work into the earth before the building can rise above it. That’s because a skyscraper needs a strong foundation to kiss the sky.
Once that foundation is ready, the rest of the building rises spectacularly fast.
I feel we’re in the hole-building stage. We have identified a new pathway to build our foundation. Once that’s done, I’m eager to see how quickly we move after that.
More to come. Meanwhile, take a 7 minute mental health break.