How To Create Outstanding Futures For People

America is a land of abundance. We have so much of everything. Everything we need to get done can be done. All that we want to have can be had. Anything we need from other countries we can trade some of our abundance to get it.

What keeps us from having it all?

In a word: Money.

See those potholes in your street, the congestion on the freeway at rush hour? The people demonstrating in your city?

Remember that little girl who got killed trying to cross a busy intersection because there wasn’t a stop light? Ever heard “no” at work to your request for a raise because money wasn’t in the budget for it?

What one thing could make installing a stop light, giving you a raise and stop people demonstrating possible? More money.

It’s not just societal, it’s personal

You want that new car, but can’t afford it. Your kids need new shoes, but you don’t can’t afford them. Retired people want to eat well AND afford their prescription drugs…but many struggle doing both.

If every person had enough money “fixed incomes” wouldn’t exist, telling your kids you can’t afford it or choosing between food and medicine wouldn’t either.

You get the picture.

Money-based economies keep us from having it all. But we can have it all. All we need is an economic system that doesn’t use money.

“But you must to pay people to get things done.”  Yes. Society trained us to believe that.

“But people won’t do anything unless you pay them.” Yes. Society trained us to believe that too.

“Things have value, you can’t just get them for free.” This is true. People value things.

Copiosis uses no money and yet all these things get done, people get paid and value gets recognized. Copiosis just does it differently than traditional economies. It’s a paradox that goes like this: Reward people so they get things done, but do it in a way that doesn’t keep other things from getting done.

“Other things” like reparations to American Descendants of Slavery, known as ADOS. With money, it’s near impossible to give what is due. Take money out to the picture and making reparations to ADOS is easy.

Too much shallow thinking keeps us in place

In conversations about Copiosis, I get pilloried describing this paradox. People know things must change, but their closed minds don’t let them see how the paradox can work.

Some folks get intrigued, but they get bogged down in objections. Objections I don’t think would weigh people down if they took time to understand how Copiosis works.

We get a lot of Objections. Like this one:

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Shallow thinking we often hear at Copiosis.

We can get money out of the way of getting things done. We all know the problems. Authors, think tanks, forward thinkers describe them in mind-numbing detail. But practical solutions on a systemic scale elude us.

We just can’t come up with something that can practically replace capitalism. For all it’s terrible outcomes, it still creates so much value and wealth for so many, doing away with it seems absurd. So we stay with what we have.

Does the past offer answers?

The past offers alternatives but they have their own problems.

  • Barter economies, for example, come with problems due to the presumed coincidence of wants theory. By the way, anthropologists have done a lot of research on this kind of economy and no one has found credible anthropological evidence that such economies existed, even though Traditional Economists claim differently.
  • Gift economies offer grand promises. But getting there requires major leaps in human consciousness. It’s also going to take major advances in our ability to break free of addictions to beliefs; typified by the picture above, before we can even conceive of even the possibility that such economies can work. That said,  one guy I ran across believes such an economy must happen, if we’re going to make it.
  • Communism – Forget it.
  • Socialism – Ditto.

Besides, both of those last two had their chance and proved neither works.

Capitalism doesn’t work either

Sticking with capitalism should be on this list of possible nos. For the last five years I thought about how to exit humanity from its conundrums. Capitalism can’t fit the bill. It creates the conundrums.

Copiosis can do it though.

I believe America can lead the world towards a future where not just Americans but everyone on the planet can enjoy unprecedented prosperity. I think Copiosis promises what we need to make that shift.

A shift is going to happen no matter what. What that shift looks like depends on all of us recognizing our nation’s abundance, then getting money out of the way.

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