I was talking with a client yesterday who struggled at the time with confusion and uncertainty. He has a secure job, but it’s boring. He wants to change jobs, but he doesn’t know what he wants to do as an alternative. He regularly gets approached by women, but he finds no spark in their potential, and his spiritual life has him conflicted between wanting to take action that might change all this, or letting God work it out for him.
I told this client his confusion mirrors larger societal confusion. The times we’re in represents the Great Transition many of us came into the world to experience. It’s a remarkable time, but if one doesn’t recognize this time’s remarkableness, it just feels confusing and uncertain. Scary even.
Microcosms reflect macrocosms. Like Mandelbrot sets, our little universes are exact duplicates of larger ones. We complain about Trump or the rich. We complain about those on the other side of the political spectrum. We fear brown people. We are convinced there’s a war on Christianity. We think we want to get back to work, even when doing so will kill people.
These all share an underlying cause, a cause the Great Transition addresses, if we let it. That underlying cause is our debt-based civilizations and their reliance on money, markets and government. We can embrace the Transition and move beyond all this.
Or we can get more of the same after a heady and seeming gut-wrenching spell brought on by a virus.
Expecting a new president to change conditions BLM protestors are angry about, or that the shrinking middle class wants changed while doing nothing about the system underlying all this including the presidency is like my client expecting to resolve his confusion and uncertainty by talking about how confused and uncertain he is.
Our collective confusion and uncertainty is a good thing. We’re moving more into our sovereignty, our god-given authority over ourselves. We’ll never get there relying on who is in the White House or whose butts are in congressional seats.
We will get there when we give up the confusion, the belief that our economics is worth dying for, and that money is the best way to force people reward people for doing things they’d rather not do.
Then, maybe, just maybe, we’ll look at an idea whose time has come. And then get on with getting on and get rid of more of the same.