Is Copiosis a scam?

smallerBy Perry Gruber, Copiosis Founder

Editor’s Note: This posting, written by Copiosis Founder Perry Gruber, addresses a question posted on Yahoo Answers


If it is, someone forgot to tell me!

I don’t blame people who think Copiosis is a scam. After all, our economy has conditioned all of us to beware of things that sound too good to be true. I learned this lesson as a kid watching The Brady Bunch. What’s more, the way status-quo economies work, it’s very easy for scammers to take money from us against our will. It’s been done at nearly every level. It has left some people broke and bankrupt their lives ruined. It has left others merely angry or feeling had.

But just because all the answers to questions about Copiosis aren’t available on our website doesn’t mean we’re a scam. What we are is a small but increasing number of people who realize – like many people – that the world, the species that live here, and the human civilization en toto are in trouble. Instead of trying to assign blame, moan about the troubles we’re all facing or giving up to some inevitable collapse, instead of cataloguing the nature of those troubles (a lot of people have already done that), instead of attacking the right or the left, the 1 percent or shadow groups of elites running conspiracies, we’ve chosen to create and promote an alternative system + a viable transition strategy that actually will accomplish all the things we claim.

Copiosis is a company. It is a company named after our innovation, the post-scarcity Copiosis Economic model. Our innovation is a practical approach to realizing the dream of the gift economy, the holy grail depicted in many of our best science fiction stories. But golly folks! We’ve only been a formed company since July 4, 2013! That’s not very long. In that time though we have caught the attention of people in 27 different countries.

We’re making progress. But the best is ahead of us. I’m committed to making the reality Copiosis promises the global reality. It’s normal for people to think something too good to be true is a scam. I don’t blame people for initially thinking so. Keep an open mind though and you’ll see. Just like all rules, there are exceptions.



4 thoughts on “Is Copiosis a scam?

  1. I’ll answer that. I think incorporating may have been an error, because while you guys were probably doing so for tax purposes, any critically-thinking individual will think: cult or Ron L. Hubbard. To become more serious you need to dismantle any profit-making organization and instead become an organization, not aligned within the current financial system. Seems to me if you want to make a real change, you have to step out of it to be taken seriously. Look into NGO status? If you’re serious, good luck to you, and I hope it’ll become a reality one day!

    1. Thanks for the feedback “anon”,
      We looked long and hard at both structures you mention and chose the for-profit model (sole proprietorship, not corporation) not for tax reasons but 1. because it was easy and cheap, and 2. though this view this isn’t popular outside of the startup world (where I’m from) the for-profit model with it’s discipline, rigor and focus on efficiency, has many, many advantages too numerous to ignore.

      You’re right about the “critical-thinking individual”. I would go further though and say such a person (I count myself among them. Perhaps you are too?) would understand that the nonprofit industrial complex, if scrutinized, has way more problems when it comes to getting things done than the alternative. I won’t go on there, but one thing I will say is this: have any major ones accomplished their mission so well that they no longer have one (a mission)? I’d wager you’d agree with me that the answer is not only no, but that they mostly end up serving one interest: self-perpetuation, which means an extreme focus on fundraising. Not much different from pursuing profit, wouldn’t you say?

      We are “aligned with the current financial system” because I know how to use the tools of that system against the system. I’ve served on NGO boards. I’ve run companies, I’ve worked in government. I get it. I also get the challenge of convincing people we’re not what they think. The thing is, in a few years, we won’t have to: it will be self evident.

      Thanks for reaching out. I love that you chose to share your opinion.

      Perry Gruber, Copiosis founder

    1. Your comment piqued our curiosity. Clearly you didn’t find what you were looking for. Our website has all the information you might want or need to understand Copiosis. What did we miss? Any useful feedback you could provide that improves your experience of our site, will undoubtedly improve it for others so, please, let us know how we can make the experience better. What information were you looking for? Were you expecting something different? Did the founder’s letter not go far enough?

      Thanks in advance for any feedback you provide!

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