Why earning a living is “velvet oppression”

You've heard the term "Velvet Handcuffs." It describes a job with benefits so compelling, leaving is a non-choice. Even if you hate the work. Gotta feed the kids, pay that mortgage. Velvet Oppression is similar. It is oppression, but oppression so good-feeling alternatives pale in comparison. You hear it all the time: "I hate this … Continue reading Why earning a living is “velvet oppression”

What to do about the Minimum Wage?

An NPR article today chronicles the increasing debate around raising the minim wage. The debate raises a dilemma...Increased wages will likely increase prices. Not saying that's a good reason for not raising wages. However, if hamburger prices go up, there could be a bizarre cycle. Let alone the quality of the food, sadly I think … Continue reading What to do about the Minimum Wage?