Let's see how Copiosis deals with the tension that exists between personal freedom and the good of all.
Tag: MLK
Someone recently asked the following: How do we clearly define human sovereignty? Where is the line between personal freedom and the good of all drawn? I'm thinking mostly here about discrimination against others, treatment of minorities and genders, etc. Let's see how Copiosis deals with the tension that exists between personal freedom and the good of all. … Continue reading How discrimination is eliminated
A Copiosis enthusiast asked the following question on the Copiosis Social Page on Facebook. It offers an opportunity for us to better understand our innovation, so I've pasted my response here, with significant modifications and expansion for clarity, and broken into parts for quick consumption. This is part two. You can read part one here. Question: How does Copiosis deal … Continue reading Where you stand on the matter doesn’t matter, Pt. 2
Mirrors are amazing because they evoke powerful emotions that trigger unconscious behaviors. Watch someone looking at a mirror and you'll see what I mean. What we most miss about mirrors is their mysterious benevolence. They sit there quietly reminding us of our greatness. In my last post I wrote about the end of the Charismatic-leader era. I … Continue reading Organized opposition doesn’t work