I wonder if Millennials give a shit about politics and traditional workplaces – two institutions foundational to capitalist society.
A 2016 survey seems to show they don’t. Could this indicate newer generations come pre-equipped, ready for fundamental change?
The survey linked above showed the “vast majority” of Millennials surveyed are indifferent to their employers, their missions and the work Millennials do for The Man. Equally, 44 percent say they have no affiliation with any political party.
Interesting anecdote: my former business partner has three sons, all Millennials. After watching their first presidential debate here in the US, every single one of my partner’s sons said they would not vote for either mainstream candidate.
And while they all are pursuing work, none of them are looking to work at a particular company as an employment goal. Instead they are looking for opportunities matching their interests.
Some authorities say future generations come into the world ready and equipped to make the changes previous generations have not. I’m encouraged by Millennials appreciating and getting involved in Copiosis. That they are supporting these authorities’ claims.
If they are right, and I believe that they are, then the future is always in good hands.