Want to see everyone behave this way?

Footballers doing the right thing
Footballers doing the right thing

Three inspiring stories came to my attention last week. These stories are remarkable, not because we don’t often hear of them. They are remarkable because of the way people have responded to them. The stories have all gone viral.

The first one I heard about was where a blind man drops a $20 in a Dairy Queen. A woman picks it up and pockets it. The Dairy Queen manager sees the whole thing. After “having words” with the woman, he kicks her out of the store and gives the blind man $20 of his own. Cool.

What’s the quickest way to make $100,000? For a homeless Boston man, the secret was turning in a bag with $40,000 in it. In this second story, the homeless man found a bag of cash – about $3,000 – and another $40,000 in traveler’s checks owned by a Chinese student visiting another student here in the US. Someone who heard the story set up a page on a crowd funding site where this guy’s good deed raised more than $100,000…in one day.

The third story is less fantastic, but no more heartwarming. College freshmen football players walk into a store to buy some things. They walk up to the counter and wait for someone to come ring up their purchase. But no one comes. Turns out the store is closed. The lights were left on and the door was left open by mistake. What the freshmen do next is awesome. They leave money on the counter for everything they  bought and leave the store exactly how they found it. Of course, it’s all captured on video surveillance.

Why do we love these stories so much?

Maybe because it reminds us of how honest and open-hearted human beings can be. These stories reconnect us with what we already know to be true: that human beings are good. What makes us go wrong, more often than not are the opportunities presented in a system that disconnects from this truth, from each other and from ourselves.

Contrast that with Copiosis. Copiosis economies naturally encourage the best of human behavior. There are no laws in our economy. But through the way we have designed the free market, the money and how the money functions in the free market, Copiosis economies inspire acts like we see in these stories to happen all the time.

We are quickly leading up to the release date of our book, which will explain how Copiosis works. We’re excited because it will mark our first formal initiative to make Copiosis well known around the country. But we’re not stopping there. We want everyone to at least know about us by July 4, 2014 our formal launch. That way we get a national conversation going about a real alternative to the system we have. The same system causing the unsolvable problems America faces today.





One thought on “Want to see everyone behave this way?

  1. “These stories reconnect us with what we already know to be true: that human beings are good. What makes us go wrong, more often than not are the opportunities presented in a system that disconnects from this truth, from each other and from ourselves.”

    Well said.

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