Before learning about Copiosis, I couldn’t imagine a society in which a severely limited (or even eliminated) government was either practical or desirable.
My brother, for example, is fiercely libertarian. And while I personally find its core concepts admirable, I could never see how a libertarian-like society could ever realistically come to fruition. Basically, such a society allows everyone to choose. Completely free of external coercion.
It seems some people always try to take advantage of others. And as we have seen more and more in society, the potential for large inequities among people exists in droves. Even if the “rules” are being followed.
Can government become unnecessary?
For example, in theory, adults in our society are generally free to enter into employment contracts. If a certain job doesn’t pay what an individual needs to live above abject poverty, they’re free to not take that job, and find another. Legally, no one twists their arms.
But practically speaking, the rich and powerful can coerce others’ labor by manipulating the system. They create environments where people must “freely” choose among various bad options, due to desperation.
I understand why having a limited or no government feels uncomfortable. I have, for much of my own history, seen government as being essential as an equity enforcer. Or at least it curbs most egregious abuses. Abuses perpetrated by those taking advantage of others.
In my mind, formerly at least, reducing or eliminating a central authority would exacerbate imbalances among people. Nothing checking individuals and corporations in power from becoming ever more powerful allows such entities more access to more power.
That’s a scary thought. As I saw it, this would lead to the most dire of outcomes. It also could create inequality on a scale from which we’d never recover.
What’s better? Stick? Carrot?
Here’s the thing: Government essentially determines the agenda the public should follow. Then it enforces that agenda. It does so with tools at its disposal, including physical force. Some governments excel at determining acceptable agendas over others. For example, I would consider a democratic republic like we have in the U.S. far superior to an authoritarian system. It allows many more people input into that agenda setting process.
But, even in our current U.S. system there are always a lot of people who feel (and are) disenfranchised.
Regardless of who wins the presidential election every four years in the U.S., for example, many tens of millions of people remain unhappy. The ones who didn’t vote for the winner feel forced to follow an agenda they don’t believe in or agree with.
Does that seem like true freedom to you?
So essentially, government as we know it is a stick, collectively wielded by the powerful or the majority. If government is a stick, think of Copiosis as a carrot. Instead of bringing societal goals to fruition through coercion and force (even if those goals are generally noble), Copiosis creates an environment where people are not only free to make their own personal choices, but incentivized to do socially beneficial things.
This key makes government elimination possible
If you haven’t closely studied stigmergy, I would highly recommend it. Stigmergy is a practical process whereby virtually anything can be accomplished. Even on a large scale projects we normally think only governments can handle.
Stigmergy’s power rests on its decentralized premise. Decentralization does NOT leave society disorganized or weakened. Rather the opposite: freeing up everyone to pursue their passions, a level of cooperation and organization happens that today we can only dream about. Through this novel framework we can overcome all manner of societal problems.
I will leave you with this: Copiosis doesn’t actually eliminate government. It greatly expands it!
Whereas any currently-operating government in our world is a government by the one, the few, or even the majority (depending on how it’s structured), Copiosis allows government by ALL. That’s because it allows each person to govern their self.
To steal a phrase I read in a book once (wink), it is truly a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And that is true freedom.