Money is amoral. Here’s what to do about it

Most people don't understand money's true nature. By money: any currency being used today represented in physical form. That's cash, coin, checks, credit cards. Humanity has lived with one form of money or another for so long, we take it for granted, like the air we breathe or the fact that we can walk. We … Continue reading Money is amoral. Here’s what to do about it

How a dearth of solutions create opportunity

The more people clamor amongst the problems, the greater the opportunity. With no solutions in sight, human nature will grasp anything seemingly better than status quo. Tyrants and despots fill such voids. Drowning men will grab twigs to save their drowning lives. In desperation, we've proven to be: Not. Too. Smart. More people see the writing … Continue reading How a dearth of solutions create opportunity

How to find the cure: not just treat symptoms

My nose is running. So much so, I've rubbed my nostrils raw with tissue paper, terry cloths, shirt sleeves. Even my bike commute gloves. The cold I'm getting over is symptomatic of a larger problem: my body is fighting off a virus or germ. I could complain to my partner, have her make some chicken … Continue reading How to find the cure: not just treat symptoms

Here’s your opportunity to make history

Every once in a while an opportunity comes along. The choice: make history. Or not. You are invited to participate in an e-Deliberation™ event How do we make Copiosis a viable post-scarcity society?. The event begins March 28. In this event you'll work with select members of the Copiosis Team as well as participants from around … Continue reading Here’s your opportunity to make history