In Copiosis choices that kill the chooser offer data that makes survivors' lives better. Here's how.
Tag: homesteading
I want improvement, something I call fundamental change. Sometimes I'm daunted by the task. But I know what others don't
A Copiosis enthusiast asked the following question on the Copiosis Social Page on Facebook. It offers an opportunity for us to better understand our innovation, so I've pasted my response here, with significant modifications and expansion for clarity, and broken into parts for quick consumption. This is part two. You can read part one here. Question: How does Copiosis deal … Continue reading Where you stand on the matter doesn’t matter, Pt. 2
If you haven't heard of Burning Man, you're living under a rock. Seriously. Get out some. Read more. Burning Man is probably the premier exemplar of what is possible when people come together under what some critics my label a utopian ideal. What's remarkable about Burning Man is not its longevity, not its allure, not … Continue reading What can happen when money is no object