Here’s how psychopaths are made

Are psychopaths born or are they bred? I think it’s the latter. Even those who seem predisposed to that behavior at birth must be triggered by an environment conducive to the triggering. I think this is why Copiosis offers so much promise for solving the psychopath problem: it creates an environment where such people can get the help they need.

How to eliminate society-induced psycho-social stress

A reader asked how Copiosis would deal with psychosocial stresses and deprivation caused by stratified societies. Good question....   When a societal system restricts access to basic needs, and further forces people to trade (labor for income) to access those needs, it's not long before system inhabitants begin experiencing deprivation as wealth concentrates. Such deprivation breeds desperation. When the powerful thwart desperate acts, unhealthy psychological stresses emerge. We … Continue reading How to eliminate society-induced psycho-social stress