I had an insight about machines that helped me understand Copiosis better. It also simplified an important thing about what Copiosis does.
I wondered why Copiosis offers Necessities and Capital Goods to all at no cost. Maybe a relationship exists between the two, I thought?
The insight I gained came from asking that question. Here’s what I learned.
Machines exist in almost any factory making things. To work, those machines need several things so they function optimally:
- Protection from the elements, for example. That’s why most factories house machines indoors
- Machines need fuel, such as electricity
- They need raw materials they use to create finished goods
- Machines also need tools to transform raw materials into the finished good (these may be attachments or built into the machine’s design)
- Instructions tell machines how to create the finished good and,
- Machines need maintenance, both preventative maintenance as well as repair maintenance so they keep running efficiently.
Feeding human “machines”
Everything on that list machines get from either another machine, a human, or another outside source. While it’s true machines may self-replicate and self-perpetuate some day, we’re a long ways from that.
So long as things on the above list get provided, machines of all kinds operate at maximum efficiency. Of course, successful business owners understand this. So they ensure all their machines get “fed” such things.
Now consider human beings as machines. We treat such machines very differently today. We don’t care for them as we do their mechanical counterparts.
Yes, humans represent a kind of machinery. Granted, very sophisticated ones, and extremely valuable ones too. A large part of that value comes from their vast output variety. We can create all kinds of valuable stuff!
So, if humans are machines, why do some humans expect other humans should provide their own necessities? Just because humans are versatile machines, capable of providing their own needs doesn’t mean they should. It’s not very efficient.
And yet, we expect they do this most of the time. Humans spend so much time providing their basic necessities, they frequently have little to no time left over to perform truly purposeful work.
What kind of work? Work that is passion-driven. World-transformative work.
Compassionate provision
While Copiosis emerged out of human compassion (or rather, because of it), from a practical standpoint, it dramatically improves human efficiency compared to our current socio-economic systems. Doing so, humanity meets societal goals more easily, and in ways that cause the least harm. In Copiosis, everything on this list gets provided at no cost:
- Protection from the elements (shelter, clothing)
- A fuel source (food)
- Raw materials (capital goods)
- Tools (capital goods)
- Instructions on how to create finished goods (education)
- Maintenance (healthcare)
Look familiar? Does this illuminate why, in Copiosis, “Necessities” and “Capital Goods” come at no cost? The items in both categories essentially provide ALL things machines (including human machines) need for efficient, sustained, meaningful work.
Work that truly makes a difference. And all machines in Copiosis, both the human and non-human ones, freely provide output to Producers in service of increasing Net Benefit Value to the world.
Naturally, humans aren’t JUST machines. We ponder, we dream, we hope, we fear, we empathize, we enjoy, we create, and we love.
We will ALWAYS be more than the sum total of our individual parts.
Copiosis recognizes this, then creates the best circumstances for those individual parts to thrive as a civilized whole.