You can’t help people or the planet if you don’t love both

Photo by Nick Fewings love our only hope.jpgYou’re having a hard time with humans? You scared the earth is being destroyed?

Good luck making significant, positive, fundamental change.

I mean, you’re going to make some things happen. Maybe. You’ll get people thinking. You’ll start arguments as you try to get others to agree with you.

But solving the problems creating situations you’re angry about requires a different way of thinking.

I’m trying to learn this as well. Spending less time on Facebook, less time watching the news and less time disagreeing with people is helping. A lot.

Our current society’s penchant for argument is not helping. I mean really. Is an argument really a conversation? I don’ think so. Perhaps it’s time for a new way of conversing.

And a new way of seeing the world. There’s a lot of negativity out there. But there’s also a LOT of really good stuff happening. Perhaps, if we focus on those things instead of all the negative things we might find our selves in a different mindset. A mindset gradually leading to a love of people and the planet, where all we see is the powerfully positive stuff going on in the world.

From there, we can tap into creativity that can make a difference.

That’s what I’m trying to do in my personal life. So far it seems to be working.


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