Video: Copiosis detailed overview

Z Day Oregon organizers invited Copiosis founder Perry Gruber to speak to the audience about Copiosis. Attendees overwhelmingly said Perry's presentation stole the whole event. Here's the 45-minute presentation, recorded in its entirety (minus the Q&A).    

Details will set us free

Devils live in details. Our innovation is only as good as the tech behind it. After six months generating awareness. We're returning to refining our tech. That's not to say our innovation is half-baked: it's ready for primetime. Primetime doesn't need a implementable solution, it needs a compelling story. Why do so few solutions go … Continue reading Details will set us free

Three reasons why you shouldn’t fear the Robot Age

The Anthopocene is still with us. Some claim it'll end with humanity's extinction. Doomsday predictions notwithstanding, one thing's certain: A new era is already rising from Anthropocene: The Robot Age. The Economist magazine detailed its current advances. They promise a radical future. What inspired me: Robots will make jobs obsolete. If technology today puts half of all … Continue reading Three reasons why you shouldn’t fear the Robot Age

We have the technology to right the world

The POTUS said something remarkable in his NSA surveillance speech. Most listeners may have missed it. Obama pointed to a truth reaching far into the future while acknowledging that truth requires paying special attention to what the truth speaks to. He said: "....And the power of new technologies means that there are fewer and fewer … Continue reading We have the technology to right the world