Two weekends ago I visited a small group of Chico Project participants. I enjoy traveling to Chico although the road trip is hard on my old bones :-). The people I meet there are always hospitable, friendly and accommodating. Something magical happens too every time I visit. This visit was no exception.
I mentioned about progress we made in posts on our Organization Page on Facebook and also in a letter to Copiosis Patrons (Copiosis Patrons get background information not available to the general public). What I want to share in this post is what happened outside that progress and outside the meeting.
I usually stay at Valley Oaks Village Co-housing, a lovely seemingly bucolic community of like-minded people, intentionally striving to create “community.” I love the idea. Architecturally designed homes are arranged in a way to afford privacy. They are beautiful homes nestled around a central courtyard and powered by an impressive bank of solar panels. There is a guest room I’ve stayed in in the past. It’s spartan, though it’s located near the pool. I don’t make the time for a dip, but looking at it is refreshing. This time, I didn’t stay in the guest room, though. Instead I stayed in Susan W’s home. It is a peaceful, lovely place decorated in a way that resonates. She calls it “shabby chic”.
Susan missed the Copiosis meeting as she was out-of-town. When she returned though, we had fabulous chats about Copiosis, the future and how we can work together to reach government elites making decisions in the highest levels of American government as a way to forward the Copiosis RBE Transition Plan.
That may sound like hubris. Who are we to reach those kinds of people? Stranger things have happened though. And, as I wrote in our transition plan, we manufacture luck at Copiosis.
So while the following brought a smile to my face, it was not surprising at all given that we manufacture our own luck. It just so happens Susan just bought property walking distance a famous location, a retreat actually, where just such movers and shakers visit annually. This is a big deal. Just as big as me being introduced to high net worth individuals while in Greece last month. I’ll write about that later.
Susan’s a lovely woman. I enjoy her energy and enthusiasm for life and for Copiosis. She’s 70, can still do the splits and has an equally dynamic heart. I think we’re going to be life-long friends.
And friendship is really where the magic happens, isn’t it?
Photo credit: By http://imglib.lbl.gov/ImgLib/COLLECTIONS/BERKELEY-LAB/SEABORG-ARCHIVE/index/96B05411.html Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories Image Library — Collection Collection BERKELEY-LAB/SEABORG-ARCHIVE. “Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967”, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24614667