Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Two really big groups of people will probably really dislike Copiosis. So much so they could become our enemies. One group: those profiting through the banking industry. The other, and this is multi layered, comprise those profiting from the financial and drug industries.
How does Copiosis address their concerns? If we cannot, such groups potentially can obliterate our success. We must therefore turn potential enemies into friends. First, let’s look at why these two groups could get their knickers in a twist as Copiosis’ success grows.
In this post, we’re going to look at the banking industry. Next week, we’ll tackle the financial industry. After that, we’ll look at both the legal and illegal drug industries and criminal activity in general.
Let’s start with banks.
Even with a basic understanding, it’s clear Copiosis does away with money. But that’s not all. Because money goes away, everything related to it does too. Let’s see what “everything” means.
Upending the banking industry
We don’t need savings, checking, credit card accounts or loans in Copiosis. Infrastructure created that supports such things – check and credit card transaction processing, tellers and physical banks, lines of credit and loan origination processes – all become unnecessary. That’s because with Net Benefit Rewards (NBR), interest doesn’t exist. A person can’t earn more NBR by lending their NBR to others. But with money a person can make a lot more money lending money and charging interest.
For example, let’s say a person creates a savings account at a bank. When money gets put in there, the bank uses those deposits to back loans they make to other customers. Furthermore, the longer they use that person’s money, the more money they make off it. That’s why banks motivate higher deposits for longer periods through higher interests rates on certain accounts. This is a simple overview of how it works. In reality, it’s more complicated, but we’re summarizing for brevity.
Fees also play a big role in bank profitability. Late fees, ATM fees, overdraft fees, loan origination fees and wire fees all represent small amounts of money made on such transactions. But considering the extremely large number of such transactions, small amounts add up.
Money’s transferability makes this all possible. Essentially all these processes revolve around people’s ability to give and take money from each other. But NBR, once created, can’t move from person to person. So loans no longer exist. Neither do interest rates. Making money from money lending isn’t possible in Copiosis.

“I can’t afford it”
Getting something one can’t afford in the immediate now through credit also goes away. So does credit card interest, including predatory interest rates of all kinds no longer exist. Since credit doesn’t exist, all those fees and fines disappear too. So do credit ratings.
If a person wants something whose gateway is higher than the amount of NBR they possess, the owner could give the item to the person anyway. Why would they do that? Because once the customer takes possession, the owner immediately starts getting NBR for the benefit accruing to the customer. This is for luxuries, of course, as one only needs NBR to consume those goods.
For necessities, people don’t need NBR anyway. This includes housing, usually the most expensive purchase a family makes. Most housing in Copiosis will be necessity housing, not luxury housing. In Copiosis, even a person or family could afford luxury housing with ease, so long as their NBR stream is large enough. A luxury house owner, instead of requiring a lump sum of NBR to meet the Gateway, could accept a contract wherein the occupant meets a lower Gateway which must continually be met on a regular – monthly, for example – basis.
For most things people want, therefore, “I can’t afford it” will largely end up in the past. And since people will likely easily afford what they want, why do we need banks giving loans, credit cards and lines of credit?
And if we don’t, then how could banks make money? Especially when there is no money?

The conundrum
Obviously, short-sighted bankers, those working in banks and those profiting from them (shareholders) could go apoplectic over an economy that renders banks useless. Some of those people hold LOTS of power and influence. And we’re not talking about banking families and such, although those people may initially see Copiosis as a terrible idea. That is, if they’re supremely greedy, in the negative sense.
So Copiosis faces a conundrum. How do we keep these people happy? One way is through the transition process. Through that process all the wealth such people enjoy gets transferred into NBR. Any assets they own they get to keep too. That means any bank branches, if they’re owned by the banks, remain assets of the banks.
But shareholders own banks, right? Right. So satisfying THEM is more important than people working in the banks. If we satisfy them, keep them whole and make the world better for those people, they’re more likely to go along with the transition. Same goes for people working in those banks. But something else happens with those people too.
Such people have talents they could employ in Copiosis and generate a lot of Net Benefit Value (NBV). Branch managers could take stewardship of the building in which they work. By offering that space to someone who can generate Net Benefit Value from its employment, she can receive NBR for her stewardship effort.
Many bankers have fat Rolodexes. Using such contacts as coordinators in Copiosis could make such bankers rich as they broker and connect producers seeking to generate NBV.
Many opportunities exist in Copiosis for those working in banks. So the conundrum such people might have isn’t as thorny as it seems.
What about the big boys
It’s actually those at the top of banks, particularly really big, international ones, that we must contend with. Hopefully, making them financially whole while preserving their assets does the trick. Eliminating future catastrophes their children potentially face as a result of their parents’ unwillingness to fix them will offer humanitarian incentives so powerful, those at the top will be willing to go along.
It’s possible too that such people’s wealth alone will satisfy them. For example, in Copiosis, $1000 converted to $1000 NBR goes a long way. That’s because consuming necessities requires no NBR. Also, with costs a thing of the past, Gateways (analogous to “prices”…kinda) don’t need to cover costs like prices do. So a Gateway, for a mega yacht, for example, needn’t be anywhere near as high as it “costs” for a mega yacht today.
A billion NBR, therefore, goes WAAAAY farther than a billion dollars does today. Indeed, that much NBR probably can’t ever be spent in one lifetime.
So super rich people may find themselves super, super, super rich. And that may be enough to make them Copiosis friendly.

Their happiness is ours
Some might scoff at making the big boys in our world whole or, actually, way better off. But we need such people to go along with creating a world we all would love, a world even the big boys would love. One reason why the big boys keep good things from happening is because such things cost too much money. Money which often comes from their pockets. They convince us that a world that would be better for us all isn’t worth creating if it costs too much.
That’s why we need these people agreeing to the fact that what we’re creating serves them as well as the rest of us.

Thankfully, these people aren’t stupid. Most of them see the writing on the wall as to the future we’re careening towards. A lot of them plan on surviving futures they think inevitable. That future scares them. Hopefully, it scares them enough to support something they ordinarily wouldn’t. Something that helps everyone avoid the disaster the super rich are spending a lot of money prepping for.
Keeping these people happy, in other words, is part of our strategy. It’s easy to say “there should be no billionaires”. But for better or worse, there are. Trying to punish them makes no sense. Better to make them happy.
Copiosis not only makes them happy. It makes everyone else happy too. And that’s how we turn potential enemies into allies.
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