Can you believe Martin Luther King, Jr. was talking about the shift that is Copiosis decades before it became a thing?
On August 16, 1967, In his speech “Where do we go from here?”, Martin Luther King, Jr. addresses restructuring American Society. Many sections of his ringing words, delivered to a full house, speak to the world that Copiosis creates. They also indict America’s moral lassitude in it’s tight-fisted, capitalist mentality.
Seeing it is Black History Month, it’s a great time to review some of what King said:
“I want to say to you as I move to my conclusion, as we talk about “Where do we go from here?” that we must honestly face the fact that the movement must address itself to the question of restructuring the whole of American society.”
“There are forty million poor people here, and one day we must ask the question, “Why are there forty million poor people in America?” And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising a question about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth. When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. (Yes) And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society….”
“…Now, don’t think you have me in a bind today. I’m not talking about communism. What I’m talking about is far beyond communism…”
“…What I’m saying to you this morning is communism forgets that life is individual. (Yes) Capitalism forgets that life is social. (Yes, Go ahead) And the kingdom of brotherhood is found neither in the thesis of communism nor the antithesis of capitalism, but in a higher synthesis. (Speak) [applause] It is found in a higher synthesis (Come on) that combines the truths of both. (Yes) Now, when I say questioning the whole society, it means ultimately coming to see that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. (All right) These are the triple evils that are interrelated.”
Indeed, the struggle King was about is the same struggle happening today. Today it’s more than “black and white” or “rich and poor”…It’s more about being free and being a wage slave.
So this Black History month I say we give up the story that requires a black history month and lean towards a new and better story. One where everyone is free, rich and prosperous, all living on an abundant planet free of capitalism and communism both. And Socialism as well.
That new and better story is Copiosis. It’s not utopia, but it sure gets us close. Listen to the entire speech below.