Historically, tenants get the short end of the stick, whether they rent from a private landlord or the state. Meanwhile, landlords labor under their economic pressures. Operating costs, market forces and government confiscation (taxation) often influence their decisions. Copiosis makes these things irrelevant by changing how the economy recognizes and transfers value.
In capitalism, private landlords are natural persons or business entities (such as real estate companies, or groups of investors). Landlords provide a Necessity (Housing) in exchange for profits. In a socialist system, taxpayers cover the rent for state-provided housing.
The New Paradigm
Whether it’s capitalism or socialism, somebody gives up something to someone else to get housing. In debt-based economic systems (which include both capitalist and socialistic systems), this “something” is Physical Object Money (POM).
In Copiosis a non-physical or digital Net Benefit Rewards (NBR) replace POM. NBR works far different from physical money. This makes paying for any Necessity, including housing, a non-issue. In Copiosis, landlords offer the best Necessity Housing possible while not charging rent. Instead of making Profits by extracting Rent from others, they get wealthy by creating the greatest Net Benefit Value (NBV).
Luxury Housing, such as beachfront mansions on the Big Island will exist too. Luxury Housing in Copiosis serves the same function upscale resorts like the Montage Resorts do today. They offer enticing perks for those who create a ton of NBV. Luxuries in Copiosis are what drives people extrinsically motivated to do things. Not forcing people to “earn” Necessities.

Private Property Rights Remain
Whether it’s necessity housing or luxury housing, people owning the property retain stewardship rights. No laws require landlords to house anyone. A landlord may discriminate against people of color, LGBTQ families, anyone who doesn’t agree with his religious or political views…
Shocking? Yes.
But such discrimination generates comparatively little NBV. Communities may boycott and shun discriminating landlords leaving such people with no NBV from their property because only occupied properties create NBV. On the other hand, Such an owner may attract like-minded tenants. As long as they don’t harm others, that’s OK. If the tenants cause trouble, however, this could affect the landlord’s NBR stream.
A landlord can also evict tenants for any reason. In practice, this would virtually never happen, because…why would they? With no tax obligation, mortgage debt, or operating or maintenance expenses, housing someone generates near pure awards. So someone must really mess up to get evicted.

What may come in this future
Tenants live in Necessity housing at no cost. Meanwhile, they generate their own NBR by creating NBV in various ways, including raising their kids, supporting their communities and living their passions. So long as people do these things, including being good neighbors and tenants landlords have no reason to evict someone.
An individual with a record of destroying property may find it difficult to find housing. Ultimately, some enterprising landlords will house such tenants though. Meanwhile destructive tendencies will likely flag mental health providers. Such providers get NBR when they serve such people. Patients successfully completing such treatment benefit too obviously. They also get reputation account declarations indicating their successful completion of treatment.
New property owners/landlords/stewards of all kinds might surface in Copiosis. Providing decent Necessity Housing needn’t look like an actual house. It could look like nearly anything. A tiny house, a trailer, or conversion van for example.
Anything that offers “shelter” to another creates NBV. That, in turn, merits Net Benefit Rewards, which can be redeemed for luxury housing, fancy sports cars, private jets, or trips into space.
This author and a few others believe once people – including landlords – become free to pursue their passions and interests, consumerism will greatly diminish. Desire for experiences (such as trips into outer space) will likely increase too.
Copiosis takes the landlord-tenant relationship and turns it into a win for all concerned. Who wouldn’t love that? In Copiosis, both landlords and tenants win.