Imagine what the US would be like if crimes of all kinds dropped by 50 percent. Living in the US would be way different than today. But Copiosis will reduce crime by way more than 50 percent. Furthermore we see a New World Order where everyone’s rich, society is about as peaceful as it can get and our environmental woes are remembered as bad dream.
But some look at our economic solution skeptically. They see Copiosis as a utopian pipe dream. Such people say Copiosis can never work. Even though plenty examples today show those who say something “will never work” get proven wrong.
To people claiming Copiosis can’t work, we say bullshit. It can and it will work. Now, a study out of Liberia proves we’re right.
The study offers such stunning evidence that Copiosis can work. But don’t get too excited. Evidence offered didn’t involve implementing Copiosis. And yet, the study’s details showed tremendous promise for our innovation delivering the New World Order.
A novel approach creates great results
In Liberia, researchers proved we can reduce violent crimes by 50 percent. FIFTY PERCENT!!! Instead of “getting tough on crime” or other punishment-focused “sticks”, researchers offered massive “carrots” to violent offenders.
Their study involving nearly 1000 men involved giving participants Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). They also got a modest amount of free money. Therapy and money combined produced far greater and more lasting results than therapy alone. Here’s how the study worked.
The study split the men into three groups. One group got therapy and a one-time $200USD payment. Now, $200 seems like a pittance. But $200USD is 30,400 Liberian dollars. Nothing to sneeze at.
A Vox article about the study described CBT this way:
Meeting with a counselor in groups of around 20, the men would practice specific behavioral changes, like managing anger and exerting self-control. They’d also rehearse trying on a new identity unconnected to their past behavior, by changing their clothes and haircuts and working to reintegrate themselves into mainstream society through community sports, banks, and more.
As mentioned before, a second group got CBT only, no cash. Meanwhile, control group participants got neither therapy nor cash. After a month, both the CBT group and the CBT+cash group showed improvement. A year later, the CBT-only group’s results faded. Meanwhile the CBT+cash group’s results still showed “huge impacts”. Crime and violence dropped by 50 percent.
Ten years later researchers tracked down CBT+cash group participants. Guess what? Crime and violence among these past participants were still down by 50 percent!
Hold my beer…
The program’s success found its way to US researchers. They think Liberia’s scheme can work in US cities. A similar test, started in Chicago, already is showing success. Of course, US versions can’t afford $30,000USD per participant. And $200 won’t help either. So instead, offenders receive assistance getting “into the [job] market”. We think that means giving them jobs.
But a job is not the same as giving people money. After all, what kinds of jobs will they get? And will such jobs align with their passions? In Liberia, participants chose their vocations. The Vox article made it clear:
$200 in cash enabled the men to pursue a few months of legitimate business activity — say, shoe shining — after the therapy ended. That meant a few extra months of getting to cement their new non-criminal identity and behavioral changes.
Can putting participants to work in a job replace them choosing their own occupations? We doubt it.

How does this prove Copiosis?
Liberia’s study shows Copiosis can work because Copiosis works much like the study. In Copiosis, everyone gets necessities at no cost to them. Those providing necessities get Net Benefit Rewards (NBR) for doing so, which allows necessity producers wonderful income. And, so long as necessities continue creating Net Benefit Value (NBV), producers of said goods and services keep receiving income for past activity. That’s residual income for all. And everyone in Copiosis can create residual income simply by producing NBV that lasts. That’s easy!
Necessities in Copiosis include food, clothing, shelter, education and healthcare. In addition to receiving all these at no cost, people living in Copiosis also receive NBR for any NBV they create. So shining shoes merits NBR. So does virtually any other human activity.
Driving people places, teaching anything, taking care of the elderly or the young and everything in between merits NBR. Of course, traditional “job” activity creates NBV too. Essentially, any NBV-generating human action gets rewarded. This video describes how NBR works.
And, as previously mentioned, so long as the NBV persists, those creating said NBV continue getting NBR for past acts. In these ways, Copiosis is significantly better than the Liberian project.
Copiosis offers a much-needed socioeconomic floor composed of basic necessities, provided at no cost. All that people need, they get. No one needs to earn or work for what they need. That alone relieves a LOT of pressure. Personal, familial, societal and economic pressures almost always precipitate criminal activity.
With those pressures alleviated, people can breathe. They can figure out what inspires them. Taking time to figure that out costs nothing. If what inspires them benefits others or the planet, taking action on their inspiration creates NBV. NBV translates to income. Perpetual income in many cases.
The future…proven
In Liberia’s study, researchers and therapists helped participants. In Copiosis, plenty of people stand ready to help others. They’re eager to help anyone identify passions or implement their ideas. Others offer capital goods in service to other people at no cost. Office space, utilities, office or factory equipment and other supplies come at no cost to all.
Why? Because when people use those resources in NBV-generating ways, everyone who supplied such resources gets NBR.
Those offering guidance get paid too. And, so long as the person they helped – whether with advice or resources – keeps generating NBV, those who assisted that person keep getting NBR too.
What would happen if we saw a 50 percent drop in crime in the US? In 2020 over 300 violent crimes happened in the US per 100,000 people. Property crimes happened much more frequently, with over 1900 such crimes per 100,000 people in the same year. Such crimes could become things of the past. And such reductions could spread world wide.
Our guess is Copiosis will create way bigger drops than 50 percent.
Because Copiosis doesn’t just solve causes leading to property and violent crimes. It also makes many other crimes impossible. Thanks to the way NBR works, many crimes happening today can’t in Copiosis.
The Liberian study proves what we designed at Copiosis can work. It’s exciting seeing evidence of Copiosis everywhere today. The more into the future we get, the more prepared society becomes. Soon, humanity will wonder why it took so long for us to embrace the New World Order, where most crime is in the past, all humans are richer and freer than they ever imagined and we’ve avoided our environmental nightmares.
I estimate that 95 percent of all crime is related to money in some way.