What postmodern revolution looks like

What does the postmodern revolution look like?  Is it sexy and exciting?  Marching in the streets?  Talking on the news?  Is it wearing hoodies, or posting slogans of pseudo-solidarity on social media? What does it take to make lasting, fundamental change?  Joining nonprofit organizations that have been around so long they’ve become part of the … Continue reading What postmodern revolution looks like

Redefining Peace Officer

There's been a lot in mainstream and social media about bad law enforcement behavior, militarization of local departments, and alleged overt harassment, brutality, murder, etc., perpetrated by members of these agencies. Not saying these things aren't happening. Still, should you be surprised law enforcement agencies are militarizing?  Should you be surprised officers are breaking bad? Should any of this be … Continue reading Redefining Peace Officer

Justice working for everyone.

Justice sometimes doesn't look like justice. In Copiosis Economies, you don't need millions to defend yourself, and you're never at the mercy of corrupt courts, crooked police, or stupid laws. Justice that works for everyone. It's something that comes with Copiosis Economies. Copiosis. The American Way. Way better.