This post originally ran on Dec 5, 2017.
A lot of people claim being an artist is a waste. They don’t understand how powerful art can be, how financially successful successful some artists are, and, more importantly, how art literally dictates human behavior, thought and conversation.
I wrote a post recently about a television program which portrayed a system based on Amazon.com-type rating systems, although instead of rating products and services, people rated each other….to disastrous effect.
People who watched this show, then learned about Copiosis, compared Copiosis’ reputation accounts to the show’s 360-degree personal rating concept. The inaccurate comparison formed negative opinions about Copiosis. Of course, Copiosis reputation accounts are nothing like those featured in that show.
What’s fascinating though is how mainstream society (i.e. many people) takes its clues from what they see on television, thus proving my point: art is powerful. It literally shapes society, ideals, even values. A recent university study found, for example, that the more transgender people are featured on television, the more accepting society becomes of transgender people.
When was the last time you got into an enthralled conversation about Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead or some other television show?
There is no denying art has power.
Another fantastic example: The Handmaid’s Tale. If you haven’t seen it, you must. It is phenomenal art making. Briefly, the story is set in a dystopian, fundamentalist Christian-right authority which has violently taken over the US and made it into the image of their religious fundamentalist ideas. Watching it with a critical eye, it’s obvious such a thing would be near impossible in this physical reality.
But I can’t help thinking about the timing of this artistic expression. Having come out on HULU while an ultra-right republican administration ran US government, it sparked conversation about relevant parallels ongoing in the US. Protests around the western world are turning up, with women dressed in costumes straight out of the show.
Even as that ultra-right administration vacates the White House Handmaid’s Tale still resonates as “White Grievance” continues enflaming some right-wingers calling for a Christian State.
Imagine what would happen were a well-done show about Copiosis hit the airwaves….
As we roll out our 2021 – 2025 Roadmap, excitement about Copiosis continues growing on social media. Several demonstration project versions are on the drawing board and we’re targeting funding for them all. Wait until our documentary series or reality show about Copiosis goes live though. They will change the global landscape.
I know this because I’ve seen time and time again now art transform life. Art about Copiosis will be no different.
What’s interesting about art is the nonphysical connections it uses to spread messaging. (Those who don’t believe “nonphysical” exists, just replace that word with “coincidental”. It’s not the best replacement, but it will work for now). Art’s power draws those most likely to be influenced by it. That influence often moves people to action. So art has enormous value as inspiration.

Picasso’s painted Guernica in 1937 for example. It’s still inspiring its viewers.
The same is true for The Handmaid’s Tale. For a long while now tensions between women’s rights and the alt-right; a seeming increase in Christian and other US-branded fundamentalist and terror ideologies, and the disdain for those ideologies, have all been fomenting both under the radar and, recently, overtly. It’s no accident or happy coincidence that this program, which is based on a book written more than 30 years ago, would now be turned into a newer, more relavant, more pervasive art-form.
And to dramatic effect.
An authority I place huge credence told me the following in regards to how art and created-reality interplay:
“In simple terms, you will not try to achieve something that you believe impossible within your concepts of reality. The conscious mind, with its normally considered intellect, is meant to assess the practicality of action within your world. You will literally see only what you want to see. If the race believed that space travel was impossible, you would not have it. That is one thing; but if an individual believes that it is literally impossible for him to travel from one end of the continent to another, or to change his job, or perform any act, then the act becomes practically impossible…..this applies in terms of the species as well as individuals. Because you are now a conscious species…there are racial idealizations that you can accept or deny. Often at your particular stage of development as a race, these appear first in your world as fiction, art, or so-called pure theory.“
Art, has always been on the leading edge of human ideals. Picasso’s Guenerica, the art of Michelangelo, prehistoric art (which science is way out of their depth trying to understand)…all art…emerges from nonphysical, where events and connections are constantly being created, then given impetus to become “real” in our see it, taste it, touch it subjective “realities”.
Powerful art of the past was originally called Oral Tradition. Then came drawings. Then, perhaps, theater. Then books and paintings. Today the epitome of artistic expression is not television. It is streaming media. For the furthest edge of societal discourse is happening on networks such as Hulu, HBO, Netflix, Amazon streaming and Vice. And today, TicTok.
There’s just no denying how powerful art can be. Art shapes human action, thought, social discussion and, finally, our physical reality.
Now. Imagine what would happen were a well-done show about Copiosis to hit the streaming airwaves. As that quote mentions, I’m conceiving of something once thought inconceivable. And yet, All That Is is proving it into existence. It’s only a matter of time before a streaming show about Copiosis becomes our reality.
No wonder art is a major part of our transition plan. It’s in there because it is powerful.