From a Copiosis perspective, the Me Too movement takes too narrow a view on harassment and abuse happening today. Especially in Hollywood.
Bear with us ladies.
The important movement afoot holding men to account for certain bad behaviors carries weight. And, we want to lift the veil on the “way more” abuse going on. Especially, again, in Hollywood. Especially among some of humanity’s greatest creators.
This abuse explains why many Hollywood elites will adore and get behind Copiosis. Once we draw them in with significant, tangible results many will get on board. Those results loom on the horizon.
Right now, such elites grudgingly accept the abuse. Much like those women who waited, in some cases, decades, before they came out, these elites know something’s amiss.
But, just like those women, celebrities of all genders struggle with a serious dilemma: tell the truth and literally ruin their careers. Or keep quiet, bury their integrity and try to find life’s brighter sides.
We get that. So does comedian Dave Chappell.
But not anymore
Chappell recently spoke up about what really goes on in his profession. He acknowledges sexual harassment, exploitation and discrimination exists. But he asserts more unjust dynamics undergirds tinsel town.
Rather than read about it, listen to Chappell describe it:
We’re amazed some believe they deserve owning another person’s creative content. But ballsy beyond the pale happens when one thinks that ownership extends to “everywhere in the Universe”. And yet, Hollywood moguls think that, according to Chappell.
The result: creatives get screwed. Eternally. Creatives like Chappell, The Artist Formerly Known As Prince and so many more. Copiosis radically changes all this for the better.
Here’s how.
Greed becomes good
For one, creators, no one else, own their creative content. However, anyone sharing that content, building off it, performing it, or otherwise expressing it to consumers triggers income for themselves. Income also goes to the content originator though.
So today, HBO, for example might enjoy “exclusive rights” to Chappell’s work. Chappell might get no income from that content, unless stipulated in the contract. In Copiosis, the contract becomes irrelevant. Chappell gets NBR every time his content entertains. No matter who delivers it.
But everyone at HBO gets income too. To the degree they help make that content accessible or include it in existing programming. In Copiosis, no one’s income gets curtailed by another person getting income.
Copiosis allows enough income for everyone because “income” never starts as someone else’s money, like it does in Capitalism. In other words, we don’t reinvent the pie so everyone gets a piece. We eliminate the pie altogether.
In this way, greed becomes a good thing. The more people grabbing hold of and using Chappell’s work, the more income Chappell gets. No limits prevent this. No one can cut it off. And that contract between the company and Chappell? It concerns itself with money, content and creative control. But carries no weight in Copiosis. People can ignore legacy contracts because people can’t take another’s NBR like they can take money.
Contract Schmontract
Again, such contracts govern the money world where scarcity exists and people literally can get in between a creator and the value they create. Copiosis’ architecture design, renders that impossible.
Our architecture ties every creation back to its creator. Tires, jet planes, pumps, baby pins or theatrical play manuscripts…the creation doesn’t matter. They all get tied to their creators automatically or through the declaration/registration process.
So when that guy used Chappell’s Goodyear condom joke, Chappell needn’t pursue the guy. He just sits back and watches the NBR roll in. Meantime, our architecture tracks every usage of that joke, tags it back to Chappell, then gathers all data needed to process his award.
The joke-teller gets NBR too.
Should Chappell care? Of course not!
The guy does create value called entertainment. So he should get awarded. But as Chappell tells that joke, as that guy tells it, and as others do the same, Chappell gets NBR for ALL usages.
No one can “take”. No one can stand between value one creates and the award bestowed in Copiosis for that value. So oppressive, unfair, unrealistic contracts get rendered mute as they become irrelevant.
Even richer than today
Imagine how much NBR Chappell would get each time anything in which he’s involved, or involved in in the past, gets consumed. He wouldn’t need to perform ever again.
But the good thing about passionate creators doing things they came into the world to do is, they can’t help but do them. Chappell will tell you this himself. Were it not for the screwed up nature of Hollywood, we think he’d gladly share his gifts.
And that’s what Copiosis creates: freedom for people to share their gifts. Whatever they may create.
So Copiosis gives creators what those unethical contracts give the unethical moguls. It gives them power and leverage, perpetual, universal assignor-ship to their creation. That means Chappell gets rewarded for whatever anyone does with what he offers. Everyone else can use what he offers, but as each other person does, Chappell gets NBR.
So every recognition he deserves becomes his. As it should be.