Why Economic Outcomes Must Be Unequal

Photo by Freddie Collins on Unsplash

Some people are going to have a hard time with our latest slogan. It seems the world already is a world of equal access and unequal outcomes.

Is it really?

No, it’s not. Take any example. Let’s look at MRI technology. The opportunity: maintaining well being through MRI scanning technology.

Today, price and cost restrict such technology. Buying, installing and maintaining such technology cost money. So clearly, those without enough money get no access to MRIs whether “those” are a hospital, a doctor, or patient.

“Well people have health insurance and hospitals can get loans or grants or donations,” someone might claim. “That equalizes access.”

But we already know many people do not have health care insurance. Businesses need collateral, credit worthiness and, a business case demonstrating loan servicing capability. So small hospitals in villages, for example, can’t get MRIs.

We also know individuals’ coverage may not include MRI cost coverage. Or they require huge deductibles and or co-payments.

Where money plays its part, some people will always have access and some won’t. Since our system is completely based on debt-based monetary currencies, every resource has an access restriction.

Even producers in today’s society – manufacturing companies, retail stores, service businesses –  all have different levels of access to whatever it is that they want or need. Be it employees, capital equipment, cash or some other resource it is absolutely not true, that access is equal today.

The infrastructure and economy we built includes built-in unequal access. Even companies face access limits. Not in Copiosis though. (Copiosis photo)

Access is unequal everywhere. Access to political power, access to certain relationship satisfaction, access to education, or good upbringing…it doesn’t matter what you’re talking about, in today’s world there are different variable levels of access. Even when it comes to accessing money.

Copiosis Is Different

Copiosis shifts things making access equal. Removing money from the equation is a big step in the right direction. But more than that must be done.

That’s why Copiosis provides all necessities and capital goods to everyone at no cost to anyone. These two inventions give everybody real freedom. It’s fundamental change.

Real freedom
Copiosis introduces real freedom. Something we haven’t had as a civilizational infrastructure for thousands of years. (Photo by Rawpixel)

Copiosis can’t do anything about unequal outcomes. That’s not a systemic problem. Unequal outcomes happen because everybody is different. Individuals all operate from their own self-created realities. No one’s reality is the same as another. So everyone’s outcomes will be different and thus unequal.

Everyone has a passion though. Once tapped, that can and will generate great wealth in Copiosis. Every person’s passion adds tremendous value to the world. But everyone enjoying the same level of wealth at the same time is impossible in capitalism and in Copiosis.

Consider the following example:

Joe is college educated, but he has a drug problem. He lives in the midwest, was raised by strict religious conservatives, and is gay. Because of this combination, Joe has many beliefs that cause him much anxiety.

He struggles too with self-worth. On the one hand, he believes he is a good person. But on the other, he believes he’s going to hell because “god hates gays”.

Joe is not out to his parents. Or anyone else. He is constantly paranoid he may slip in some way that will blow his secret. Because of his beliefs, resulting anxieties, and fears and because he believed he had no choice, Joe sought relief from drugs. That’s how his addiction started.

Sue on the other hand is not gay. She’s college educated too. She was raised by conservative parents. But Sue realized early on that her decisions were her’s to make. She realized her parents’ beliefs were theirs. So she decided to think for herself.

Now let’s say Sue and Joe have the same education, in the same field. They see the same advertisement for a job. So they both have the same opportunity. Let’s say there are plenty of these kinds of jobs. So Sue and Joe are not in competition for the job.

You can see though that Joe would have a hard time “succeeding” compared to Sue, a self-thinker, with no anxiety and no fears or paranoias and no substance addictions.
Joe, on the other hand, might spend much of his energy at work worrying about things having nothing to do with work. He may even react to things said or done as if they have something to do with his problems, even if they don’t. His reactions might trigger certain behaviors. Behaviors not conducive to being successful at work.

These two people, with different backgrounds, but with the same opportunity, will have quite different experiences. The same can be drawn for any two people. In short, no two people are coming at a situation with the same level of preparedness, other than the fact that both are prepared to learn from the situation and become better for it.

So Copiosis doesn’t create equal outcomes. No system can. Instead, it focuses on equal access. That’s an inherently pure, capitalistic focus. Unfortunately, today’s capitalism doesn’t include what should be inherent.

Improving Outcomes For All

Copiosis is one organization under the larger organization I founded called Integer Sanus. The other subsidiary is Positively Focused.

Copiosis addresses infrastructure. Positively Focused addresses human factors influencing the future.

Positively Focused shows people how to create outcomes they prefer, rather than outcomes they get. There is a lot of confusion about why people get the results they get instead of the results they want. Positively Focused helps people realize their way through that confusion. When a person gets outcomes they want, they don’t care as much about whether outcomes are equal.

Positively Focused and Copiosis work hand-in-hand. In time, as people learn more about Positively Focused, they will develop stories and lives full of custom-tailored outcomes, outcomes tailored to their wildest dreams. In a Copiosis society realizing those will be far easier than it is today. And far more fun.

Individual outcomes match their creator. As such, they’re unique, incomparable. Once a person learns how easy creating realities matching desires is, they’ll produce the best outcomes possible for themselves.

So Copiosis addresses systemic issues. Positively Focused addresses individual ones. Both serve humanity’s future. A far better future, but a future still containing unequal outcomes.

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