I wondered this morning how the UK fares these days, three years since their momentous decision. On January 31, 2020 Britain formally withdrew from the European Union (EU). Are they thriving? Or is the county in shambles? How about individual lives?
Brexit represents the closest real life analogue to transitioning to Copiosis. A slim majority of Brits decided their autonomy, sovereignty and freedoms were best served by leaving the EU. But many warned dire economic consequences would follow. Trade would whither. Cost of labor would go up too. That would lead to inflation.
Did all that happen? I wanted to find out. I wanted to find out because transitioning to Copiosis requires a similar process. The world runs on Rule of Law. What’s more, every nation is economically interconnected with every other nation. One country breaking economic ties binding all the others will put stress on those ties. Will they break? Will they cause so much trouble other nations might prevent the departure?
It’s hard to tell. Nothing like Copiosis has happened before. The U.S. Declaration of Independence perhaps comes close. There, Royal subjects declared themselves a nation separate from their king.
But creating the U.S. happened at a time of great expansion. I don’t think it’s as comparable.
Leaving, but remaining
Besides, U.S. independence happened a long time ago. It’s obvious how well that went. That event literally changed the global picture.
Brexit involves a nation deciding to sever ties, but also remaining in our existing economic framework. The US remained in the debt-based system too. Besides these two, I can’t think of closer examples. Are there others? I don’t know. So I looked at Brexit.
I poured over several news sources to find out if the UK is thriving. What I found wasn’t surprising.
It’s too early to tell how the country fares in the long term. But early economic indications point to a weakened Britain. Compared to other G7 nations, the UK is not keeping pace. That gap isn’t huge, but it’s there. Public opinion shifted too. A large majority now believes Brexit was the wrong move. Some negative sentiment revolves around how badly government leaders administered the process. Some people attribute the shift to younger voters weighing in today. People who were too young to vote at the time. Others say many older people favoring Brexit died in the last three years. So they can’t voice an opinion.
Public opinion on the matter is complicated in other words.
Small businesses appear to be taking the brunt of negative impacts. That’s because trade between UK and EU companies now requires more paperwork, which equates to more time and money. Some of those small businesses can’t afford those costs. They therefore are turning to other markets.
Still, the show goes on for Britain, decades down the line, it seems, the country will be fine. Maybe not as fine as if it had remained an EU member. But that’s not for sure. Only time will tell.
What does this have to do with Copiosis?
A nation implementing Copiosis represents a much, much larger decision. Especially domestically. It would be leaving the debt-based system, representing every economic system on the planet. Domestic challenges will be great. But most of those I think will be administrative. Thankfully, a lot of infrastructure needed for that administration exists already.
I think benefits accruing to its citizens, however, make such challenges insignificant. So many beneficial changes will accrue to individuals, Copiosis will represent a game-changer for most people. It’s far different than leaving the EU, or divorcing from a king.

But international challenges are a different story. Especially challenges related to international trade. Such challenges might stop the transition before it starts. That’s why we’re going to need smart people helping solve such challenges.
And there are huge challenges. Financial markets, for one, will go apoplectic with doomsday predictions. International investors will look at the idea unfavorably too, to say the least. They may consider their investments in the transitioning country at risk. They might argue successfully that such a transition is illegal.
And, while the fabled barter concept is often touted as the precursor to money coming into use, it’s never actually been used before at-scale. And yet, we expect barter between nations to replace currency-fueled trade. Most academics and other elites will probably call the whole idea a non-starter because of this.
There’s a lot unsaid and unresolved. The transition is a MAJOR, WHOLESALE shift in the way we live. It’s not an easy thing. Nor will it be smooth.
But that doesn’t make it impossible. Many things were never done before they were. Including the founding of the United States. And many of those things were hard. Some thought they were impossible.
The New World Order: Our Future?
The New World Order (as we define it) is coming. Whether some like it or not, it’s pre-ordained. The only question is: what will it look like? I think our version offers appealing characteristics. Enough appeal to gain support of some of the world’s best thinkers.
It’s still going to be a massive sales job though.
And, like all things, it will offer positive aspects….and challenges. How we address the latter matters most. How we support one another through that matters too. We must give up scarcity mindsets, mindsets having us hold tightly to what is, while fearing new futures. Copiosis is compelling. But mostly for optimists and some optimistic-leaning skeptics.
We can’t think for people. Some will resist Copiosis. Long after a nation proves it can work, some will not like it. A nation will prove it workable though. Nature has a way of proving all things…eventually. It’s less about a thing being “true”. It’s more about willingness, timing and available resources.
Those three things are coming together. I call that process “the world getting ready”.
And the world is getting ready. When it will be, absolutely, ready no one knows. I know it is readying though. Perhaps when it’s done readying, big challenges standing in the way won’t be so big after all.
And Copiosis will happen way easier than I think. Again, time will tell. Good news is: time is on our side. No matter what future lies ahead for the UK.
not gonna lie this idea sounds pretty shit, even as a big supporter of UBI. Lets upheave the entire social order to create an unstable system that will inevitably collapse and leave the world much worse than it was. Hate it or love it, the profit motive drives innovation.
Hi. Thanks for your comment. Curious: how many startup founders do you know personally?