The New World Order Gets More Done, Easily

Last week we published a general piece on political squabbling over the debt ceiling. We’re continuing with this topic this week. That’s because the subject gets journalists and their readers all panicked about something that NEVER has happened.

And likely never will.

Yet, each year democrats are in the White House, republicans hold the debt ceiling over democratic leaders’ heads as a threat. They know, of course, as the democrats do, such threats are empty. In the last 60 years the government has ALWAYS raised the ceiling. Just as it did this year.

Why all the hue and cry then? Because it raises blood pressures and makes republicans look like they’re doing something. And…in the case of this year, it does cause compromises. Agreements where both parties give up something. So you could say the process works, even though it’s messy. Just like sausage making.

Still, we don’t need such blood pressure-raising processes. With money out of the picture, things both parties want can happen. The only reason today necessitates such bickering is because money we argue over comes from people’s pockets. Some of those people don’t like how the government spends their money. Others want government to spend more on different things.

That’s why Copiosis offers a better way to get things done. For one, no one’s money need be used in ways they don’t like. And, those who want more money spent on something can just do that thing, while not taking money from those who’d rather it not happen.

Haggle-free government

In the debt-ceiling debate, both sides didn’t necessarily like the outcome. In Copiosis, both sides can get everything they want. Largely because money doesn’t exist in Copiosis. So things happen more easily. Let’s just look at examples from the debt ceiling agreement concessions and see how a Copiosis reality would have made things different.

Budget increases: The White House wanted increases on spending. The increases were fairly large. That’s what alarmed republicans. Especially so since the majority of that spending was on non-defense matters. Biden wanted a 7 percent budget increase. The agreement included a 3 percent increase in defense spending and NO increase in other spending for a couple years.

Of course, in Copiosis, we don’t need money to make things happen. Nor do politicians decide what happens. In Copiosis, Producers decide what they do with their private property, which includes output from their factories, farms, ammunition plants etc. No one can tell these people what to make, how much or when. They decide after consulting with coordinators and others.

So, if, for example, Producers in industries like energy and the environment found Biden’s climate agenda compelling, they’d just allocate resources as needed. With no one else needing to be involved and it costing no one else other than their suppliers. Copiosis’ Net Benefit Algorithm and the Net Benefit Value concept, combined with human greed would ensure such projects and programs provide maximum benefit to people and the planet. Oversight organizations, watch dogs and whistle-blowers would support that effort.

Meanwhile, those thinking Biden’s climate agenda a waste don’t have to be involved in it one iota. Should the agenda create a better world, those opposing the agenda would still benefit from it. And those who made it happen get rich. That leaves everyone happy. No haggling required.

The right’s IRS fears

Biden announced the Inflation Reduction Act last year. It included a proposed $80 billion to overhaul the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). That proposal triggered apoplexy among members of the right. They believe an upgraded IRS will go after “the little guy” making Americans’ lives a misery.

What’s really happening is the right is trying to protect big business and the wealthy. Everyone knows big business and rich people pay little of their fair share of taxes owed. Everyone also knows this proposed overhaul was meant to enable an IRS that could hold businesses and rich folks accountable for taxes they owe, but don’t pay. So the right wanted to cancel any kind of IRS upgrade.

The debt ceiling agreement cut $21 billion from the proposal. That won’t hurt the overhaul too much, according to press reports, which explains some conservatives’ ire over the agreement.

In Copiosis, there are no taxes and thus no IRS. Government workers don’t need money to do their jobs. Doing “government work” merits Net Benefit Rewards (NBR) for benefits that work creates. So there’s no need for citizens – wealthy or otherwise – to pay any taxes. That will certainly please the right.

But it also pleases the left. Because environmental agencies, consumer protection agencies and all the other darlings of the left operate unrestrained in Copiosis. Copiosis also puts such agencies and those they currently regulate in cooperative relationships, not adversarial ones. That’s because when currently regulated businesses do things that protect consumers, employees and the environment, they get richer. In other words, Copiosis leverages the profit motive to create a better planet.

Simple processes no bickering

Copiosis’ basic framework is simple, unlike how we run the world today.

Copiosis greatly simplifies things. It cuts out that one thing making getting things done so hard: money. Especially money that comes from other people’s pockets. Cut that out and doing things gets way easy.

Copiosis also puts everyone on the same side of the table. Including the planet. No adversarial relationships creates better outcomes. When everyone works for the same purpose, things get done smoother and easier. Especially when doing that costs no one.

It sounds easy. And it is. Under the hood, Copiosis looks complex. But it’s far simpler than systems we use today to make the world go. And, Copiosis has none of the conflicts that create market externalities. Again, that’s because everyone is on the same side of the table.

Since everyone sits on the same side of the table, little negotiation is required. Instead, everyone can agree on things we all agree on. And get on with living happily.

Of course, nations must agree on an international barter system to trade goods and services in Copiosis. Because money doesn’t exist, Copiosis nations and non-Copiosis ones must agree to exchange goods and services directly. Those negotiations could be challenging. But not much worse than what we see today.

In short, Copiosis makes so many things easier to do. It eliminates time-wasting posturing. And it puts everyone on the same side of the table so things we all want done don’t get held hostage because we can’t afford it or don’t want to.

That’s a very good thing. For people and for the planet.

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