Holy smokes! We’re near the end of our ten-part series on ways Copiosis protects itself from despots. Using the system to negatively control others is very hard. Many safeguards prevent that. Almost all of them are positive “carrots”. They’re also very subtle. In other words, they don’t occur as manipulations. Instead, they just feel good.
Feeling good about life is what living in Copiosis is about. Unparalleled freedoms amplify that feel-good experience. After all, humans enjoy free will. But sometimes we use that free will to create bondage for ourselves. Taken too far and that bondage creates lives that suck. Then, we want to control others to try to feel better.
But unparalleled features in Copiosis counteract our tendency to create sucky lives. One feature Copiosis uses is very radical. Well, many radical approaches exist in Copiosis, right? The one we’re talking about today though, probably takes the cake.
That’s because it addresses something close to the root of what causes people to create sucky lives for themselves. It also challenges many people’s closest cultural values.
Today, we’re examining how The New World Order inoculates itself from despots by transforming a fundamental cultural organization: the family. Let’s take a look at how Copiosis transforms the family.
Number 9: A family reinvention
This series started with describing how families breed bad actors:
Dysfunctional families breed such people bent on controlling others. Heading such families are parents formerly raised in similar families. Such families create insecure, negative, fearful, and vengeful people. People who think they must control others. Folks who think the world is a scary place, or is against them. These people live in pain. It’s pain born of self-hate. And hate for their parents.
So they try relieving their pain by inflicting pain on others. Or trying to control people. By controlling others, they think they’ll be safe. That never works, of course. Not in the long run.
Copiosis revolutionizes such families. All families dramatically change, actually. But families that are breeding grounds for maladapted people really change.
Remember, no one forces anyone to do anything in Copiosis. That includes parents. So parents are free to raise their kids as they wish. “Poor parents”, though, must face a dynamic built in to Copiosis. One that virtually eliminates any power parents have over their kids. Especially coercive power.
Parental indoctrination
“It’s my house, it’s my rules.”
That’s a phrase so often heard (at least in America) it enjoys meme status. But it’s still true: many parents threaten their kids with being kicked out of the family. Parents hold sway over kids with other threats too. Physical violence, for example. Parents may “ground” their children. They may demand kids give up electronic devices or go to bed without dinner. There are worse threats, however. Some parents actually implement, often to disastrous outcomes.
Parents also may inject their morals and beliefs into their children. We’re not saying that’s good or bad. But we know, parents exist whose morality or world view creates children with mental, emotional and behavior problems. The class bully is a classic example. Research shows strong correlations between bullies and bullying happening at home.
The thing about nearly all children is this: Before poor parenting starts, nearly all children are divinely inspired. In other words, they lean predominantly to love, joy and a desire to create along the lines of natural gifts in a state of absolute freedom. But the vast majority of parents typically train their kids out of this natural tendency. Not all parents nurture despots. But nearly all DO create children who learn things that knock them off their joyful path. We’re talking about beliefs such as “you must work”, “don’t be lazy”, “life is hard”, “you don’t always get your way”, “money doesn’t grow on trees” etc.
These beliefs are contrary to people’s natural inclination. But heard often enough and they become “true”. Then children “grow up”.
Freedom: A powerful deterrent
Here’s where Copiosis offers its radical influence. In Copiosis EVERYONE is free. That includes children. Children get their own Net Benefit Rewards (NBR) for Net Benefit Value (NBV) they produce. This includes receiving NBR just for being. It also includes receiving NBR for intangible benefits the child brings to parents and other relatives.
Children, like everyone else, also enjoy all their necessities at no cost. That means they can get food, shelter, any education they desire, and all the health care they need. None of this need come through their parents. That means, parents have less coercive force or manipulative power to keep children doing what parents want them to do.
It’s just like employers. In Copiosis, employers have no control over what employees do or how much NBR they make. That radically changes labor-management relationships. Parental-child relationships experience similar radical changes.
Of course, some people will think this crazy! Some communities may even organize to try forcing kids to stay at home and grow up in “traditional families”.
That’s fine.
But you can bet young people will form their own communities too. And they’ll invite children unhappy with their families to “run away” and join them. And there’s nothing parents can do about it. Everyone is free. Including kids.
Imagine the interesting cultural and social conflicts humanity will need to hash out as Copiosis unfolds…
The good news
And yet, some parents want to parent well. Most parents, the vast majority, have the best intentions. Many, like Jesus says, don’t know what they’re doing. I don’t think my parents did. And, most children grow into good enough adults, despite their upbringing.
So Copiosis offers conditions where parents can become great parents. They’ll enjoy more time with their kids. They won’t be too tired to parent after work.
Meanwhile, those wanting to be parents can become parents. They needn’t balance earning a living with childrearing. Parents get pretty good NBR incomes for raising kids. And, of course, all their necessities come at no cost.
This makes it possible for a couple (or a single person) to enjoy full-time parenting, if they choose. Although, it’s more likely they’ll balance parenting with doing other things they love too.
Meanwhile those not wanting to be parents don’t have to be. Even those who end up pregnant. After all, people who raise such kids get richly rewarded. That’s because raising kids (well) creates tremendous NBV.
Such outcomes will take some time to show up. As we transition from status quo systems, families will still contain parents who were raised by poorly-raised adult-children. Those parents and others will likely raise an uproar over these radical shifts.
Over time, however, as earning a living pressures ease, so too will pressures making parents unable to parent effectively. Everyone will be able to slow down and live.
And in the slowing down, we’ll find people living happier.
So, in that happiness, where’s the case for wanting to take control of the system in order to control others?
Next week, the final, profound way The New World Order inoculates itself.