Why These People Make Copiosis Indestructible

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Hello again! This is episode five of a many part series. In this series we’re looking at why taking over Copiosis would be very difficult. It might even be impossible. Last week we looked at how people are Copiosis’ secret weapon. This week, we’re going to examine a specific group of people. Watchdogs and whistleblowers.

People passionate about people doing the right thing are another strong incentive that inoculates the New World Order. They may annoy us sometimes, but these “justice warriors” do humanity a great service. Without them, massive fraud, dangerous products, and malfeasance would go unreported.

In Copiosis, everyone passionate about making sure people do the right thing are unleashed. Let’s look at how that might look.

Number 5. Whistleblowers and watchdogs rock!

Whistleblowers and watchdogs, in Copiosis, get rich. Think about it. Copiosis rewards people who create Net Benefit Value (NBV). Anyone revealing plots to destroy the system create a lot of NBV. They’re literally keeping the system safe. That’s a lot of value. And, since their acts keep creating value long after they’ve acted, they keep getting those rewards.

So getting rich is a powerful incentive for such people. But our collective experience shows something important. Most of these people do what they do regardless of how much reward they might get. Quite the contrary, most such people take such action at great risk. Risk to their personal safety and freedom. And risk to their professional careers.

That’s why we believe more such people exist than those we see speaking out today. Today, blowing the whistle is too costly personally. Most people won’t do it. What would happen though if the risks went away? Then what would happen if you could get rich? We think nearly everyone would speak out. This explains why we believe more people will assume this role than ever before. In Copiosis, whistleblowers and watchdogs will be everywhere.

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In Copiosis watchdogs and whistleblowers are everywhere.

It’s extremely likely someone inside a planned conspiracy would “rat” on such a plot. Why? Because doing so would make that person very, very rich in NBR terms. They’d also enjoy admiration from everyone who loves the freedoms Copiosis creates.

The proactive side

Now’s a good time to look at both types of people. Like, what’s the difference between a watchdog and a whistleblower?

A watchdog is a person or group proactively monitoring and reporting on groups or people they watch. Watchdogs aren’t necessarily affiliated with people or groups they watch. Human Rights Watch is a watchdog organization, for example. They report on groups they aren’t a part of. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a watchdog group. It’s mission is enshrined in law. They monitor criminal activity. Then head that activity off before bad actors act. They don’t always get ahead of such plots of course. But many times they do.

Watchdogs then are monitoring organizations or individuals that catch bad actors before they act. In Copiosis, such people would enjoy tremendous resources to do what they love. All their equipment, supporting services and technology they’d get at no cost. Why? Because anyone supporting their passion also gets rewarded when they foil a plot before it’s triggered.

So that’s watchdogs. Whistleblowers are another story. Let’s look at them next.

When conscience wins

Unlike watchdogs, whistleblowers, usually spill the beans from the inside of what’s happening. In other words, they usually are part of the group they “out” to authorities. David Grusch, for example, gained celebrity status recently as an Air Force UFO whistleblower. He’s an Air Force officer with top-level clearance in government covert programs.

With whistleblowers, their conscience usually gets to them. What they’re involved in causes such moral outrage, keeping the secret isn’t an option. We guarantee whistleblowers exist in every organization. But for most of those folks, the risk exceeds the rewards for spilling the beans today.

Imagine this scenario: We’re in Copiosis. The environment is improving at incredible paces. Innovation is off the charts. That’s because it costs nothing to do things. Everyone can do virtually anything they want and get paid. People are getting richer and richer. Neighborhoods are safe for the first time in forever. No one’s kids are starving. Seniors are well cared for. Healthcare? Everyone has it.

Now we have a small group that wants to destroy all this. How will they keep their plans hidden from a robust watchdog network? And how will they keep one of their own from spilling the beans given all the incentives? Not to mention any watchdog’s agents who might infiltrate the group. Besides, given everything described in the previous paragraph, why would someone want to destroy all that good stuff in the first place?

The idea makes no sense.

One of America’s most prominent whistleblowers: Chelsea Manning. (Photo By Tim Travers Hawkins)

A perpetual cycle of goodness

We said before that retaliation is a big risk for whistleblowers today. While retaliation will still exist in Copiosis, impacts from retaliation won’t likely be as severe as today. Unlike incomes today, no one controls other people’s NBR streams. Or their careers. People don’t need NBR for necessities either. So some group can’t ruin one’s career or personal life for outing bad actors.

And other people would mitigate that risk no matter how slight. Those supporting whistleblowers and watchdogs will receive NBR, of course. That’s because Copiosis wants such people thriving. So whistleblower and watchdog supporters get NBR for their acts. Some people might even blow the whistle on those trying to retaliate against someone spilling the beans! See how perpetual it gets!? Watchdogs and whistleblowers will be everywhere!

Remember, Copiosis rewards NBV handsomely. That alone will likely hatch new watchdog groups and inspire many more whistleblowers than today. Far more. Look at any innovation where people make money. Uber, Fiver, Door dash, these and so many more show how people will flock to things that enrich them.

Another real-world example: again, look at how people rallied around identifying those who participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection. None of those people got paid. How many more would take such action knowing they would get paid?

All this makes the likelihood that conspiracies to overthrow Copiosis or take control of it would succeed undetected is very, very low. Too many safeguards exist. And this series hasn’t even looked at them all, yet!

But next week, we’ll look at more. There are more to come in the following weeks. See you next week.

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