People who feed people get rich in the New World Order. And they should. After all, these people give others something every human needs: life-sustaining nourishment.
In today’s world, the vast majority of these people get paid peanuts. It’s minimum wage jobs they work. Or even less than minimum wage sometimes. Of course, the majority of people making food for others are not Michelin Chefs. They aren’t even business owners.
Most of these people aren’t even servers. Or cooks. The majority of these people providing our food work in fields. They’re food pickers. People who gather edibles right off plants. Yes, machines do a lot of this work. But those machines do that work on crops that lend themselves to such machinery. That’s wheat, barley, things like that.
But it takes human hands to pick other crops. Crops like lettuce, cabbage, grapes, apples, mushrooms, and cherries. These people also maintain irrigation systems which nourish these crops. And they work in killer heat, under harsh labor conditions. Conditions most Americans would not want to work. Which is why the vast majority – nearly all – people doing this work are migrants.
So what happens when migrants doing this work get rich? And rich they do get in the New World Order that is Copiosis. That’s because the Copiosis algorithm rewards highly people who provide necessities to others. And food is a necessity.
Eliminating cost from the equation
Food pickers, therefore, get a lot of Net Benefit Rewards (NBR) every time they’re in the field. They’re literally feeding millions of people. That’s a lot of Net Benefit Value (NBV).
Today, meanwhile, employers can’t afford to pay these people more than minimum wage or less. Which explains why some laborers are organizing to push back against current situations. Of course, we at Copiosis don’t advocate for pushing against anything. Including unfair labor compensation. We support instead, bringing both sides of the issue to the same side of the table. Copiosis makes this possible.
In Copiosis, land owners and farmers don’t need to worry about covering labor costs. Or any other costs for that matter. The benefit of this is labor income isn’t constrained by costs. Costs which often demand sacrifices today. And since today, labor makes up the largest cost for employers, that’s where employers look to cut costs when they need to.
But eliminating costs from the equation, and removing employers as the source of labor income, makes it possible to compensate people for the actual value of their labor.
This is true for food pickers. But it’s also true for teachers, garbage collectors, food-processing plant workers and more. In fact, most of the jobs paying low wages are arguably the most important jobs. Jobs creating the highest NBV. Yet, today, people working those jobs get paid peanuts comparatively. Copiosis fixes that.
A new NBR calculation
So how rich does Copiosis make these people?
This isn’t something we’ve shared before. How much would an individual working such jobs actually get in NBR for NBV they produce? We have offered a preliminary answer in the past. But that answer was incomplete. It was incomplete because we weren’t including an important factor.
We’re going to reveal that factor now.
That factor is duration. In other words, how long does the created NBV last? Of course, many factors play into the answer. But for simplicity sake, please go with the following assumptions.
Let’s assume an apple picker can pick 20 baskets of apples in a work day. And those baskets each hold 50 apples. Let’s also say those 1000 apples represent 1000 servings. Let’s assume also that those 1000 apples were distributed to five local produce stands or stores. So 200 apples per store. And each store limited consumers to a five apple limit.
So each stand/store offered these apples as necessities to customers. Now, some customers would take a few. Others might take their entire limit, depending how long supplies last. Remember too we’re only talking about one picker. Literally dozens of pickers work fields at any one time.
So that picker fed “apple nutrition” to some number of people. Let’s say 200 people.
Getting rich
Some time ago we tested the algorithm. That test is available at the file located on our shared drive. That file is what we’re using here to calculate how rich that one picker would become.
The feature we hadn’t included up until now is duration. How long does the benefit last once created? This would take some science to figure out. But let’s assume nutrition from an apple, once consumed, lasts one day. In other words 24 hours. Twenty-four hours times 200 people equals 4,800 NBV hours.
The base NBR this person would get from the algorithm is 232 NBR. We multiply that by the number of NBV hours and get over 63,000 NBR! For picking enough apples to feed only 200 people. That’s how valuable feeding people is.
And, since this compensation comes out of nowhere, there’s no limit on how much every picker can receive. The more they pick, and the more of what they pick gets into consumers’ bellies, the more NBR they get.
Of course, some goods and services providers fare even better. That’s because some goods and services create NBV ongoingly. So building a home, for example, or teaching someone something, creates lasting NBR streams because the benefit keeps showing up.
Remember, that picker, today, is, at best, being paid minimum wage. In Copiosis, he’s fabulously wealthy. As he should be.
Improving workplaces and saving lives
Making people rich is only the beginning. The New World Order also frees them from having to do what employers tell them to. That dynamic often puts laborers in high stress situations. Sometimes it puts them in dangerous or hazardous situations. Situations that can be improved. Often those improvements, those ideas, come from those most impacted by the situation: workers.
But because implementing such ideas cost money, management often ignores them. In Copiosis, however, it costs nothing to make those improvements. So lives get saved. Production improves. People enjoy work more.
And, when those improvements make workplaces safer and more humane, everyone gets rewarded, including management. But those creating and implementing the improvements get rewarded most.
Imagine how this changes the labor-management dynamic. Strikes and shutdowns become passé. Why strike when labor enjoys all the power? Why negotiate when everyone wins from ideas which make workplaces better?
We see a bright future ahead. One where the New World Order enjoys a foothold. From there, we imagine it getting even better. Because a nation with a labor force that doesn’t have to deal with costs becomes unbeatable. And lifestyles those people enjoy are unbeatable too. Which means more people will want what the New World Order offers.
Especially those lowest paid today. People who often pick our food.
That means once Copiosis gets a foothold, the rest, as they say, is history.